Hi Everyone,
I was listening to sports talk on my way back into my office after playing a game of squash and one of the marathon runners was saying that his coach told him:
"Whenever you feel too tired to go out and train, just get off the couch and run the first 500 meters, then if you're still too tired, go back home and rest"
I have heard that kind of advice before, but I really needed to hear it again right then as I thought about my squash game and how I've been struggling to make myself get back on my treadmill lately - as my game needs more fitness!
Then I thought about my affilobuds here and how I'm always trying to motivate people to get things done and stick to their plan and I thought to myself,... man... this marathon training example is a really good analogy!
Half the battle with doing anything on a regular basis to achieve a goal is to get your butt off the couch and spend 5 minutes working your plan, whether that be building your next affiliate site, or training to run a marathon.
I'll repeat that, half the battle is getting off the couch. If you can make a start at whatever you're doing, whether that be training for a marathon or working on your affiliate site, you'll probably find if you can do it for 5 minutes, the rest of the hour, and beyond, will not be all that difficult to keep going.
That's not all the good advice that got shared on that radio interview...
Next the conversation turned to cancer, the marathon runner said he was motivated to keep going with his running because his father died of cancer at the age of 53 and he wanted to keep healthy to live a long life.
He said "It's funny how, if someone was to put a gun to your head, and say you have 10 seconds to tell me why I shouldn't shoot you... you'd say something like: 'I'll give you my house, my car, my bank account, whatever you want'
Yet people don't seem to be able to keep motivated to make sure they don't die younger than they should through mistreatment of their body."
Wow, I thought, that's a really good point. It's so easy to continue living life as though there are no consequences, but there are. I could live 10 years longer, or even more, if I take care of myself now. That's 10 more years with my son and future children ... possibly even longer.
... I have that chance right now.
Ok I should mention before I carry on this post that cancer is not necessarily self inflicted, that's not the point in what I'm sharing about the marathon runner's story, but poor health, or difficult situations that people find themselves in are often self inflicted.
Here's another example from my own life... I'm not the grade I wished I was in Squash right now, that is self inflicted, I'm working my butt off right now, I have a coach, I train hard and I will get there ... but I do believe it is noone else's fault but mine for not being there right now. So I sure as heck am going to make sure I will be where I want to be within the next 2 years and possibly sooner.
Ok, how does this apply to making money online then?
The point is make the most of your life, make a commitment to your physical health, and your financial, relationship and mental health. Set a sustainable plan for yourself and stick to it, for good.
By sustainable I mean, if you think 5 hours a day is not sustainable in affiliate marketing, or 1 hour a day at the gym isn't sustainable as a fitness goal, then look at what you definitely can do. e.g. 30 mins a day on an exercise bike, or 1 hour a day at affiliate marketing (not counting reading emails or posting on forums, I mean taking action).
I hope you found this blog post inspiring, this really has been a bit of a brain dump and the english might not be my finest, but the sentiment is there. I'm interested in your comments!
All the best,
Mark Ling
p.s. You may also wish to check out Aletta's blog post from yesterday, she raises some interesting points in her final rant for a while :) Note: I don't agree with the headline as such, I think it should have read something like "Why it's not wise to assume all your visitors are operating at full capacity" or something like that, but anyway, the actual article itself had a lot of good points.
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Modou Lamin Jatta • 15 years ago
Tairi Maoate • 15 years ago
the other thing, i want to purchase the CWS program of Marc Lindsay & co through your link (to get the bonuses). Where can i get your link?
Mark Ling • 15 years ago
Chloe Wheeler • 15 years ago
James Pruitt • 15 years ago
Also, if I cannot get anything else going, I start talking. I turn on audacity, pick a topic and talk. By the time i am done I have several articles worth of content, and a new product for a bonus, or giveaway.
@ I hatesheepfarmer, I agree with many of the people here. Mark is not out to use people. and if you don't think making money for working is worthwhile, I want to know where you live that you don't need to pay bills.
Granted, I would do everything that I do here for free, including my own products and services. The joy I get from helping people looking for solutions to their problems is reward enough for me. however, I have bills to pay, the same as everyone else here.
Rachael McNaught • 15 years ago
"I would give up smoking but I've tried and can't - I'm addicted"
"I would lose weight but I have tried and can't - I must have a medical condition that stops it"
"I am sick of being alone but I can't find anyone that meets all my criteria"
and my particular favourite .....
"I have tried everything to make money, but always end up with programs or teachers that are more interested in sucking my bank balance dry than helping me to succeed - This internet thing is a scam"
In reality most people love being able to complain about something ..... and why not? It is sooo easy to do!
Actually doing anything about it though.....jeepers that takes some effort - how many people have we seen that have just had a heart valve bypass and still eat KFC 5 times a week and smoke a packet a day while sifting through their My Sky?
What separates the 5% that make it from the 95% that don't is that sheer confidence that this will work and that all that frustration (css panels!) and boredom (spinning articles) will be worth it in the long run. A certainty that it may not work overnight - but it will work.
Thanks for reminding us Mark - enjoy your family :o)
Clayton A Terao • 15 years ago
Neo Kanobi • 15 years ago
Like they say:
" If you do not want to do something, you just focus on complaining."
" if you want to do something you will focus on the solutions."
...If you are trully committed in making something happen...the HOW will reveal itself...
I see you....
james Hadfield • 15 years ago
Jon Pastorizo • 15 years ago
Very interesting post and a lot of good examples. I have heard before that it takes at least 40 consecutive times before "something" before that something becomes part of your routine. For example I want body building to be part of my schedule and I can only do it Tuesdays and Thursdays, then I should stick to my schedule for at least 20 weeks and then it will then become something that my body will look for. When that point is reached, your body tells you what to do instead of your mind forcing your body to do it. I guess "consistency" really is something that is crucial to make something happen, provided the "right" practise is being done.
I always tell my 2 kids, my daughter Kylie (6 years old) and my son Jan (10 years old), when we have a coaching/pep session that "Practise does not make perfect. Perfect practise makes perfect." That quote from Don Shula has stuck in my mind for as long as I can remember. I tell my kids, you have to practise consistently but you have to practise the right way! Because if you practise the wrong way then you will be good at being wrong, which is something we don't strive for.
Practise consistently and practise the right techniques are keys to getting there - whatever "there" means to our fellow Affiloramans.
Have a good one!
Adam Smith • 15 years ago
Jon from Practical Success Secrets • 15 years ago
Generally, when it comes to motivation we're talking about changing from one course of action to another course of action, or changing from one mindset to another mindset.
Frequently, in making that "change" we are having an internal battle where there are conflicting benefits or emotional pay-offs. Often, the battle is caused by an internal conflict between what we want in the short term against what we want in the long term. We can have the comfort of staying on the couch or the exhilaration of the run and the self-satisfaction of the health benefits. Or as another illustration we can have the safety of staying in our current situation set against the riskiness of a new or different situation.
There's a couple of key points I'd make:
1. Motivation is about reducing and resolving those internal conflicts.
2. There are two main ways to do that:
The first is to force the new direction, (or activity, or mindset), and
The second is to make the new direction (or activity or mindset) so attractive that there is little alternative.
You do the first by "getting off the couch"! In other words - just start! It's like a two-man race between your short term desires and your long term desires. Your long term desires can win every time if they beat the short term desires off the starting block.
You do the second by making your long term vision accurate, detailed, and so full of the feelings of completion that the vision attracts - even drags - you where you want to be without your short term desires entering the conscious mind.
Finally, and somewhat reluctantly, a note for Ihatesheepfarmer.
The sheep farmers I've met are honest, hard-working caring people. No doubt there are some exceptions, but they are small in number.
People operating businesses, whether sheep farmers, internet marketers, or a myriad of other types of business are only successful when they produce goods and services that other people want. If they produce poor quality goods and services they don't stay in business. If they try and scam people they don't stay in business. If they try and use people in a one sided relationship they don't stay in business.
Mark has a good reputation with people right around the world. He produces excellent products and has great customer service - I know this because I've bought his products and experienced the customer service. He ranks amongst the very best. I have not been asked to say this. I have not been paid to say this. I say this because I am a very satisfied customer and Mark's products and services have helped and continue to help me achieve my own ambitions.
Kind regards to all,
david mcdonald • 15 years ago
I wish all aff members the very best in there im activities, we are all here to help each other achieve their goals whatever that may mean to each of us.
Mark is a truely inspiring indivual who have i yet to meet, but when i do I will thank him from the bottom of my heart because he is true and sincere in what he teaches.
Troy Todd • 15 years ago
You are right, we all "know" this but sometimes we need a mental kick up the butt to remind ourselves.
Great post mate.
MARLON CANOY ARLOS • 15 years ago
i enjoy reading this motivational posts.hope someday i will read more of it. i think it will help me develop my personality. good luck and God bless
Mocarabin Abbas • 15 years ago
I can start my day with smile to everyone around me and the person can give me motivation is my family or the all especial person in my life and lastly is my dream. I'm enjoy to thinking my future that can give me motivation to start my good day.
VizFact | Learning To Make Money Online • 15 years ago
James Pruitt • 15 years ago
Barbara Davis • 15 years ago
Tyler • 15 years ago
Greg Stack • 15 years ago
Just joined today, and am new to IM and affiliate marketing, as well.
I wanted to add my two-cents worth, and I needed a break from NVU for a couple of minutes.
Mark commented, more than once, that his issues were his own fault. I have found that when I am struggling and not achieving (sometimes NONE) of my goals, when I finally claim full responsibility and fault, it is empowering.
Consider the serious implications if our problems were NOT our fault. The obvious conclusion is in that case, we do not have the ability or control to change the situation. As long as my failures and shortcomings are a direct result of my own actions and attitudes, there is HOPE, because I have the control to change my actions and attitudes to create a better result as I move ahead. I would surmise that nearly all of the challenges and problems I have faced are self-inflicted. I do have some stories...
In nearly all cases, income is created, money earned, as a result of working with others. It is not using, it is teamwork. Affiliate Marketing couldn't be a better example. Either everyone involved in a particular transaction makes money, or no one does. The vendor and affiliate work together to both earn.
One more thing - We are preparing to launch an online magazine soon, and the next issue contains a piece I wrote concerning observations of the local Flying Pig Marathon, here in Cincinnati. With over 18,000 participants, the commentators pointed out that the first challenge of the event is actually getting across the START LINE. Well, that's the biggest challenge of all, isn't it. Honestly folks, this isn't a plug (the magazine is not quite ready to launch) but if you are interested in reading it, I will insert the link below. Thanks for providing the opportunity to communicate with other... Oh, I need to go, sorry, my sheep are getting out of the fence... http://livelargemagazine.blogspot.com/2010/06/waiting.html
mark • 15 years ago
Pablo Edwards • 15 years ago
John • 15 years ago
Thanks for sharing your advice. I'm glad I did the first step but right now I'm really having trouble. I'm stuck at reviewing the product which is taking me a lot of time to create a an article. I don't even know how to do a product review. I hope you could help me out here Mark.
Khairul Hazwan • 15 years ago
I totally agree with you. The main important thing is we get our-self to take action. Take small steps. Make it a habit each and every day to achieve our goals. Short-term and long-term.
Thanks again Mark for the advice.
Susanne Talentino • 15 years ago
Thanks for a great post!
Alex Wolf • 15 years ago
Martha Jones • 15 years ago
You can say that again. In the early days of my career it used to be a regular "battle" for me :D When you don't have a strong motivation and purpose to get off the couch, you won't, and that is exactly what I lacked at that time.
Randy Kao • 15 years ago
Julio Manes • 15 years ago
Henry Fadl • 15 years ago
King Regards
Janina Romanowska • 15 years ago
Thanks for the great motivation .
Kind regards to all,
Janina R.
Kevin Wells • 15 years ago
As for sitting at the PC all day - try standing. Seriously. Get yourself a standing-up table. Much more comfortable. Try it. You even burn a few more calories standing than you do sitting on your butt all day!
Pham Thi Hong Nhung • 15 years ago
I see that it is difficult to sign in with many mail I received
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online roulette • 15 years ago
filmy porno • 15 years ago
Aidan Booth • 15 years ago
Andrew Pupols • 15 years ago
RICHARD LITZINGER • 15 years ago
ian frank mackay • 15 years ago
You can read an listen to all you want but the above is what it boils down to
hsoftware • 15 years ago
Forgive my ignorance, but what is squash? I suppose I could Google it .... or maybe I can learn it and become a squash-a-holic.
Jose Tiguila • 15 years ago
Husfusundon • 15 years ago
Thank You!
David • 14 years ago
Reminds me of some advice I was given a while ago:
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step....TAKE THAT FIRST STEP!"
I didn't follow the advice then (which is probably why I'm here now!), but I fully intend to follow it now.
Thanks Mark,
Lawyer_Amycurtisy • 14 years ago
I'm new here.
Btw, I happen to be a lawyer, too. :D
Hopefully I can contribute here!
William King • 14 years ago
Daniel • 14 years ago
Andy • 14 years ago
I like that. Been saying something similar for ages when I go jogging. "just show up" is my saying. Once i'm outside, I have nothing left to do but run.
James • 13 years ago
CNA Training Online • 13 years ago
Cecille Loorluis • 13 years ago
Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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