Lifetime ending in 2 days!

By Affilorama Group
Lifetime ending in 2 days!


Hi Everyone,

In 2 days time Affilorama lifetime memberships will no longer be available.

Due to the enormous amount of work that is involved in constantly adding new lessons, interviews, and doing website critiques for members, etc, it was inevitable that Affilorama would have to revert to being a monthly membership site.

It will still be excellent value as a monthly membership, and it will be $29.95 to begin with (probably $39.95 in future, depending on how much support time is required, which is an extremely high priority for me as newbies often need hand holding).

Just to let you know what is coming up...

I will be in USA from 1 september till 25 September.

I'm going to LA, NY, Vegas (world internet summit), and Austin, and perhaps may be scheduling in a couple of other venues, depending on who else I can book in for video interviews.

The main purpose of this trip will be to get more exclusive, insightful video interviews with top internet gurus for you, my Affilorama members.

If anyone wants to come to the world internet summit, I will be there, I will be buying some tickets in bulk, so they will be about $397 (that's 600 off the $997 retail price). Let me know if you are interested in coming, so I can get you a ticket.

I will still be on the forum almost every day while I am away, just letting you know what is in the works.

Videos that have been recorded that are still not up online yet are (still editing):

My interview with Alan Forrest Smith (
Video lessons on how to make money with plr software (with Marc Lindsay and Daniel Turner of

These will be up while I'm away.

All the best,

Mark Ling

ps one of the one's I am doing when I'm away is on Mindset. It is with Marie Forleo of (will be filmed in New York)

She's the life coach of many top execs, including fortune 500 leaders amongst others (and she's my life coach). She also writes relationship books and works for nike teaching dance aerobics on dvds.

pps This week, I've also began recording a live demonstration of how to make a full time living online in less than 90 days. It will be a dvd that will follow my fiance making a niche affiliate website and going from knowing virtually nothing about computers (right now), to earning a full time living online (fingers crossed in 90 days). I'll give this dvd away for free to affilorama members of course, when it's ready.

ppps Please feel free to comment on my blog! The more comments I get about things, the more I want to keep posting helpful stuff! :) If you have any requests, let me know, I take them very seriously and am planning future blogs based on what people have asked for!

Sean Morrissy 19 years ago
hey Mark, sounds like we have a lot of stuff to look forward to. I'm really interested in the video you're doing on the mindset. I think this is an area a lot of people overlook.

The dvd of your fiance going through the same steps as most of us will be great to watch too. If she can do well, I'm sure this will be a big boost for the rest of us.
Bob 19 years ago
Congrats on your trip. If you get ANYWHERE NEAR San Francisco or Sacramento, let me know. Lunch on me at the Elephant Bar, where they serve NEW ZEALAND LAMB!!!

How's THAT for cool?

Have to make it BIG using net for MLM boost. Lost everything, long story but no matter. We need a superbreak NOW.

BE careful.

GOD bless you

John Bilderbeck 19 years ago
Hello Mark,

I just signed up for your 6 lessons. Was meant to get part 2 today but didn't. Just the email advising of the lifetime deal finishing.

I'm from Wanganui and am your Dad's age. It is my intent to make $25k a month selling affiliate products and my own learn guitar products too. :-) Yep. I'm a guitar teacher.

But I don't know how to do that.

If I follow your plan, how long do you realistically think it would take to be achieving that? I can work almost full time at doing that. (I work from a home office/teaching studio.) I have all the software I need for web page creation, tracking, autoresponder etc.

I want to be another Kiwi doing well on the net. Can you really help me?

Cheers mate,

John B.
P.S. Where's my Part 2 of the lessons?
daniel murphy 19 years ago
have change card no:will give on tursday 24/8/06.

dan murphy.
George B 19 years ago
I've been an affilorama member for a month now and last week I made $550 from affiliate programs! I've purchased a lot of courses in the past and there aren't many people out there that go all out like you do to help people.

Thanks so much and I wish you much success, you deserve it!

abdul 19 years ago
i am interested in joining your program but i have no credit card now so plz wait for me
Kathaleen Dunford 15 years ago
Hi Mark,

I'm reading through your blog today. Reading each and every post - might take me a few days but there is so much amazing information!!!

How do I get my hands on the videos/dvds: Mindset with Marie Forleo and the live demonstration of how to make a full time living online in less than 90 days (which follows your wife making a niche affiliate website - I'm really eager to watch it)?

Thanks for all of your had work!!!