Launch Tree Super Bonuses

By Mark Ling
Launch Tree Super Bonuses


Hey Guys,

Lately I've seen a lot of product launches going on, some are ok, and many I avoid. But there's one product launching at 12pm Eastern Time (New York Time) today that is absolutely incredible.

It's called Launch Tree, it's by Anik Singal and Mike Filsaime. It should be priced at $1997. In fact the bonuses that come with it are worth more than $1997, yet for some reason it is being sold for only $77 which is quite crazy when you consider inferior products have sold for more than 10 times that amount recently.

Before telling you what Launch Tree is, I wanted to mention that for all of you who decide to join through my link below I will be giving you $3826 in extra bonuses!:

If you're in a rush ==>Here's the link to Launch Tree

I'll let you know the details of my super bonus pack in just a moment, but first, you are probably wondering...

What is launch tree?

It's a system that Anik Singal and Mike Filsaime have used time and time again to maximize the sales they make, not just from product launches, but regular day to day sales too. There is a lot more to it than just that, and you should check out the website for more details.

If you're in a rush ==> Here's the link to Launch Tree

But first, I've got $3826 in incredible super bonuses for you!

Full Access + Master Resale Rights to 'How to Get High Search Engine Rankings' by Mark Ling ($497 Value)

I created this product myself, so you know it is going to be packed with great secrets. You also receive Master Resale Rights, which means that you can not only learn from all the incredible information, but you can resell the product yourself AND you can even resell the resale rights!

Here are just some of the things you can do with this incredible product:

* Watch these videos and learn incredible secrets to SEO Success
* Get your outsourced employees to watch these videos and learn how to do your SEO properly
* Sell these videos
* Use these videos as a bonus package when promoting other peoples products
* Use as a backend offer for an existing product you are already selling
* Sell the resale rights to these videos

And what’s more...

...I have arranged even MORE special bonuses for you!

I had a chat with Anik to see if I could provide some more value to go with Launch Tree to anyone who claims it through my link, as I like to offer the best value possible to my readers. Anik agreed and this is what you’ll get...

On top of full master resale rights to my amazing "How to Gain High Search Engine Rankings" product, you’ll gain FREE Private Access to over $3329+ worth of products, courtesy of Anik and Amit from PPC Classroom, if you choose to join Launch Tree through my link below:

==>Here's the my link to Launch Tree

Here’s what else you’ll get:

Affiliate Classroom Expert InterviewsAffiliate Classroom’s Expert Interviews ($397 value)

Many Affiliate Classroom members don’t even have access to these!

  • Jeremy Palmer, the author of and creator of PPC Classroom’s “Optimize My Site” software, reveals one of his most successful websites.
  • Russell Brunson, creator of ‘dotcom secrets’ reveals how to be competitive in the lucrative Internet Marketing Niche.
  • Brad Waller, creator of, talks about optimizing banner rotation and split testing
  • Paul Colligan, co-author of ‘The Business Podcasting Bible’ shows you how to use podcasting to sell piles of affiliate products (2 part audio)
  • And you’ll also hear from Rosalind Gardiner and Mark Widower as they talk about how to revive struggling PPC campaigns that get hit by ‘google slaps’.

Affiliate Classroom Case StudiesThe Best of Affiliate Classroom’s Case Studies and Study Guides ($697 value)

I’m going to give you 23 of Affiliate Classroom’s high value case studies and study guides.

If you're new to affiliate marketing, these reports will supplement the introductory courses in PPC Classroom, especially the ones in green, which are a good introduction to some of the major affiliate networks.

The red case studies will help you as you work through the training Modules by Amit Mehta.

Finally, the case studies in gray will give you an edge with some advanced tools and techniques to build out your successful landing pages into full blown, competition proof websites.

  • Affiliate Links 101 Study Guide
  • Cloak Your Links and Protect Your Commissions
  • Choosing Domain Names Study Guide
  • Merchant Selection Study Guide
  • Marketing with Reviews Study Guide
  • Pre-Selling with Content Articles
  • Pre-Selling with Reviews
  • Clever Tips for Clickbank Profits
  • Choosing Profitable Products and Merchants
  • Finding Profitable Products in Commission Junction
  • Tour of The Google Affiliate Network
  • Tour of the Pepperjam Network: Niche Market King
  • More Traffic Using the Right PPC Match Types
  • PPC Landing Page Makeover
  • Using Heat Maps to Place Banners and Ads on Your Site
  • Using Google Analytics to Find Low-Cost Keywords
  • PPC vs. SEO Keyword Research for Maximum Traffic
  • Conversion Tracking for Increased ROI
  • Comparison of Popular Keyword Tools
  • How to Use Keyword Elite
  • Developing Sites in Other Languages
  • Outsourcing Study Guide
  • Using Squidoo to Get Backlinks

1100 Private Label Product Reviews (normally sold in packs of 100 for $47 per month = $517 value)

Sometimes it can take ages writing reviews of different products in different niches. Here you have 110 different niches, with 10 products reviewed in each niche.

Newsletter Business Packages 25 Newsletter Business Packages ($997 value)

You’ll receive 25 different newsletter collections, each collection contains 52 newsletters. So if you were to send out 1 newsletter per week, in an autoresponder system, that would last you a whole year!

Each newsletter package below includes 52 newsletters, suggested affiliate programs and opt-in page templates for you to use.

  1. Acne
  2. Aging
  3. Allergies
  4. Anxiety & Depression
  5. Back Pain
  6. Bill Consolidation
  7. Body Building
  8. Dating
  9. Debt Management
  10. Diabetes
  11. Diets and Dieting
  12. Dog Training
  13. Freelancing
  14. Home Remedies
  15. Hypertension
  16. Internet Marketing
  17. Muscle Mass
  18. Organic Food
  19. Personal Finance and Debt
  20. Self Help
  21. Small Business
  22. Travel
  23. Weight Loss
  24. Work at Home
  25. Wrinkles

Negative Keyword Lists (goes well with module 2 of PPC Classroom)

15 negative keyword lists

These will save you lots of time when you reach Module 2, where you will learn about building keyword lists.

  • Affiliate Marketing/Make Money Negatives
  • Bargain/Price Negatives
  • Complaint Negatives
  • DIY Negatives
  • Education Negatives
  • General Negatives
  • Image Negatives
  • Industrial Negatives
  • Job Negatives
  • Legal

Marketing Checklists and Tip Sheets

17 Must-Have Marketing Checklists and Tip Sheets (individually valued at $197 each)

The checklists in green will be useful if you're a beginner, since they provide lists of affiliate networks, tips on finding good offers to promote, and essential help with keyword lists.

The checklists in red will help as you develop content and copy for your landing pages/websites, and when you decide to build a list of subscribers in your most profitable niches.

The checklists in grey will be most useful when you decide to build out your most successful websites and incorporate free traffic and SEO tactics into your marketing.

Finally, the checklist in blue will help you build a "super affiliate dream team" through outsourcing.

  • How to Find and Choose Affiliate Programs
  • Affiliate Networks Checklist
  • Negative Keywords Tip Sheet
  • Domain Names Tip Sheet
  • Affiliate Networks Tip Sheet
  • Finding Affiliate Programs Tip Sheet
  • Tips for Customising Product Reviews
  • Marketing with Reviews Tip Sheet
  • Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Tip Sheet
  • Email Compliance Checklist
  • Tips for Customising Newsletters
  • The Top 20 Ezine Directories
  • Top 20 Ways to Get Free Traffic
  • Top Article Directories
  • Press Release Tip Sheet
  • Outsourcing Tips Checklist
  • Outsourcing Tip Sheet

Niche List Profits

Learn how to build an internet empire using just 3 page websites that take less than 5 minutes to build. (Contains video recordings of a $2k webinar course that was run by Anik Singal)

UPDATE: Two More Super Bonuses

I've just added two more great bonuses to this already incredible bonus package:

Ewen Chia's Internet Millionaire System


Ewen Chia's Internet Business Basics


Important: To claim your amazing super bonuses above, all you need to do is:

Step 1: Clear your cookies (google 'How to clear cookies' if you don't know how to do this)

Step 2: Claim your copy of Launch Tree from my link here: Here's my link to Launch Tree

Step 3: To gain full access to all the bonuses for ordering through my link above, simply email us and include your receipt that you get from Launch Tree.

I hope you gain fantastic value from this, I know I already have gained over 6 figures in value from this information already, and I'm sure you'll find it easily pays for itself.

Kind regards,

Mark Ling



View all 91 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)

Demian zur Strassen 16 years ago
launch tree sure looks attractive to me since I will want to create my own products some time in the near future. My question is: would it be good to get that program now and start creating my own products while I am learning to build my Affiliate business? Is it somehow complementary or would it be just a distraction?
Can anybody help with that question?
Thanks, Demian
Peter Sapiatzer 16 years ago
Hi Demian,

Unless you can spend 27.5 hours per day going through the Affiloblueprint course and build up your Affiliate business, I would stay away from any other product for the time being, as tempting as it may be.
I have tried for years to build up an IM Affiliate business and have failed so far, because I always got side tracked by new, more promising offers. I am now really radical and concentrate on Affiloblueprint 2.0 only - deleting any of the tempting offers arriving in my Inbox. Having said this - I have scheduled to look at Launch Tree once I have finished the AB 2.0 course.

Marcus Noel 16 years ago
I also got numerous Super-Affiliate Promos for LaunchTree. Mark's Bonus package appeared to be the best deal of all by a lo-o-ong mile. However, the LaunchTree Q&A did not convince me that the actual content would be presented adequately for Newbie's like me. This is not intended to knock Mike, Anik, or Amit. I just feel they are on a different level and more geared toward working with more experienced affiliates/students. They also seem to move pretty fast on product launches. That kind of gave me the feeling that attention to newbie-level instructional detail(similar to what Mark provides in AffiloBlueprint) might be somewhat lacking in their course. I'm sure there will be future product-launches & improvements. I know Mike Filsaime has several more offerings already in the works. That gives me time to really focus on AffiloBlueprint and learn that material, hopefully, with less distraction.

I will be more than curious, however, to hear comments from those who purchased Launchtree and how it complements or diverges from AffiloBlueprint.
mastercands 16 years ago
Hi PSA777,

Great point. I just subscribe for launch tree because:

- I loved the bonus that Mark put on the site;
- I loved the way that Anik push the business;
- I like the bonus 1 of the launch tree;
- I saw the movie : butterfly effect (same reason that Mike used for Butterfly Marketing);
- It is nice to be enrolled at least on 2 programs to compare the answers and to have 2 team that will help you on your bugs.

I am not taking 27,5 hours but some thing like 6 hours per day and I am going fine.

The main thing that is creating a lost is because I am in a "Web & Graphic designer training certification" and that take me 4 hours per day.
Chestina Blews 16 years ago
Hi Demian!

I would have to agree with Peter. I too have also been sidetracked by other promising offers that arrive in my inbox. I would focus on mastering the affiliate course first then move on to creating your own products. If you were to do both you might be "spreading yourself to thin" and finding yourself not getting anything done because you wouldn't know where to begin, at least for me anyway. Maybe try setting a goal, for example, build five websites that bring you in 5000.00 a month, etc... Once that has been accomplished them move on to mastering how to create your own products. It has worked for me so far.

To Your Success!
Tony Bharat 16 years ago
I agree with you 100% Peter!
Just go back and watch the very first Affiloblueprint 2.0 video if ever you get that urge to pull out your wallet.
Kind regards,
Riley Sun 16 years ago
Hi Mark,

To be honest, it is so exciting! Even the trafficTravis is now a bonus! Have to study hard now to earn more cash!

Helen Jean Fong 16 years ago
Just checking to see whether I can get back to forum
paul xue 16 years ago
mark ling :
reviewed ur launch tree bonus, it will be a great help to my affiliate marketing if i can apply them
i have not made sale so far, but confident with my future, i know i wll make it
currently i have some problem on the low productivity,but i have get some idea to improve that.
one important point is : don't think too much,just do it with passion. so don't fall into trap of "perfectionist".
thanks for ur bonus
be the best
sylvie tellier 16 years ago
Hi Chestina !

I agree with you, I have been trying to make online, without success, because I tried
too many things at once, and nothing worked. I have to concentrate, now, but we are
having too many options,too many launch, it get owerwhelming sometimes.
Lilibeth Hong 16 years ago
absutlutely brillant,but how to join
Get Rid of Warts 16 years ago
Hi Mark,

I personally do not understand why you would give such a big bonus to people to buy something that is in direct competition with your own product that you launched a week or 2 ago. Don't misunderstand me, your bonuses are very generous and are much appreciated by those who want to buy Launch Tree, but I just want to understand why you would want to devalue your own product for the sake of earning some commission from the people who trusted you that your course would be the last one that they needed to buy in order to make profit on the internet.

You are not the only person to do this - there are many other gurus who do the same thing when you buy a product from them. You buy their product because it promises to give you everything that you need to finally make money, then they offer you an upsell to something that will make it happen quicker or easier, then they bombard you with offers to buy other competing products, so that they can earn more money off of you.

This is intended to be constructive criticism and I hope you take it as such. It is just that I feel that it is far better for someone to concentrate on what they have just bought, until they can master the subject, before branching out to things that will hopefully make the strategy even more profitable. The problem with buying everything that comes out is that one tends to do a little bit of everything, but don't do it properly, rather than concentrating on one thing at a time and making a success of it, because you are doing things completely and properly.

That is just my 2c worth :-)

Kind regards,

Jana 16 years ago

I agree with Barry. Everybody's "Guru" now. Buy this that. Just buy! But WHY they sell all the "stuff" when it's so powerful. I would keep the "secret" for myself if it's SO profitable and not to brag about it to others. But they don't. So what's the CATCH? They want your $$$ stupid. That's all.
And there will be another "product" and another and ...and when you'll buy all of them'll buy some more...still no results? No wonder when you /or me/ jump from one thing to another all the time. But the Question is still here: What /the Hell/ Works? So one can be sure when purchasing that he/she will make a decent living online. Any answers? Anybody?
Mark Ling 16 years ago
Hi Barry,

This product isn't in direct competition with my AffiloBlueprint product that I just launched. This is to do with making money by creating and selling your own product. AffiloBlueprint is for people who want to make money by earning commissions selling other peoples products. They are different products.

There are a lot of people (thousands) who are subscribed to the Affilorama mailing list. Many joined AffiloBlueprint and lots didn't. Of those that didn't, several are much more interested in product development than in Affiliate marketing, and hence they joined Launch Tree instead.

Some people decided to join both as they want to make money both as a product developer and as an affiliate. That's what I personally do, I do both affiliate marketing and product development, although my first 4 years online was solely as an Affiliate and I've had great success teaching others to be affiliates as well.

Personally I have spent thousands of dollars on different people's 'make money online' type products, and over the years have gained a vast amount of knowledge that I've implemented successfully online in dozens and dozens of niche websites.

I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't invested so heavily in my own education over the years. And it sure has helped me share a lot of great tips with you guys from my experience!

I certainly don't recommend that people reading my recommendations go out and buy every single product, but there is such a vast variety of people on my list, I recommend products that I know are good, and you need to make the decision for yourself as to whether or not you will have the time to commit to implementing what you learn from the product. For some, LaunchTree will be a life changing product, others on my list won't have the time to implement it right now, so it won't be right for them.

I hope this makes sense.

And to answer Jana's comment. I agree that there are a lot of so called gurus out there that all they want is $$ and they don't actually teach valuable information that actually works. You need to beware of people who only make money by teaching people how to make money, and don't actually implement what they teach themselves. I personally don't promote get rich quick schemes, my methods work wonderfully well, but they do take consistent work and patience.

Also, contains over 80 hours of step by step video lessons in the lessons tab near the top of this page, plus interviews with internet millionaires in the 'guruviews' section. Others would charge $1997 for this kind of stuff, but I'm giving it away for free so that you can learn and make money from what I teach, even if you never buy anything from me.

Yes I do promote products, I'm an affiliate and I encourage you to do the same on your website. I only promote good products, and I work hard to enhance their value by providing amazing bonuses as well.
Wen Ching 16 years ago
Hi Mark,

I had made the purchases successfully. I am not sure what receipt you referring about, but I already email to your support email with my order IDs.

Thanks so much.

By the way, when will you open up your blueprint 2.0? Will it be soon or years? Geez...

Jana 16 years ago
Hello Mark.

Thank you for your honest answer.

Can I be the LabRab /bit/;o)

I would like to try your latest product so others and me will see if IT worx or not.


squall2050 16 years ago
Hey guys, I’m having big problems with the ordering process and I need your advice please.

I asked a friend of mine to ordered launch tree yesterday because I didn’t have a credit card, he used my personal information including my email address to sign up except the credit card information, after he placed the order of $77 course, he was redirect to the $97 videos page, and he misktakenly clicked the “GET ALL 7 Advanced videos…” , the system then billed him $97! So he closed the page and quit.

I’m not able to really log in the member side,it says something like Access Denial For training-course/CourseViewComponent/getNewLatestCourseView
, and when I checked my order histroy I couldn’t find any record!

Does that mean my order was not complete?

If so then how can I complete it?

If my friend has already clear the cookies, will he be able to login that $97 page again? Plus the link I gave my friend to sign up was the affliate link of Stephen Pierce’s, I’m not sure if there was any affliate code in the page, and if he just type in the address in the browser, I don’t know if will be the same web page he signed up before…

Also after that I tried to access the $97 page myself by typing the address on the browser, And I clicked “no thanks button”, the black line reads”Your order is placed,please wait…” then it just stopped in there and nothing happen.

Right now I don’t know what to do, I worry that I might be billed $77+$97 but not getting anything! I've email to the support center but it just piled my emails to the ticks queue with no response!

So please if anyone know how to solve this please reply me,thank you!
Joshua Parker 16 years ago
Can anyone (or a few here) explain the various upsells, downsells and cross sells that were used in the Launch Tree launch?

I saw that once the first $77 purchase is made the first upsell is for a digital version of the 7 figure code videos for $97. If that was turned down the next upsell was a $297 bootcamp which will share extensive videos and webinars about the Launch Tree launch and other Launch Tree type launches done by various Marketers.

Can anyone say what came next after that?

Dan Boulton 16 years ago
G'day Mark,

Seems a lot of people are joining Launch Tree for the super bonuses.
Can they be bought by Affilorama members without signing up to Launch Tree?
Say for a price of $19.95. It would be a great deal and it is only for Affilorama members on your mailing list.
Worth a thought.

Chandara Kev 16 years ago
Well Well Launch Tree talk about Up Sell and customization your order. I was a bit disappointed and suprised after I checked my credit card and found 2 transactions for $77 and $97. I only expected 1 transaction $77. Not too happy, but life will go on.
Marcus Noel 16 years ago
Ok. So it's been at least 5 days since Launch Tree opened.

I'm interested in knowing if anyone launched a completely new, from scratch, product/site that turned a profit within the claimed 72 hours.

I'm not being facetious here. I'm serious.
I just received another Super-Affiliate promo email and may be willing to purchase if the 72 hour product creation & launch claim is valid.

Marcus Noel 16 years ago
Whoa !!! I've just started getting emails from Mike & Anik promoting Eben Pagan's Guru Mastermind Program and their promo will include some of the Launch Tree stuff. Have these guys got ENERGY or what ???

Wonder what the price of Guru Mastermind will be and also if Mark will be doing a promo.
Mark Ling 16 years ago
Dingo: I will be selling the first bonus listed for $497 soon, and it will be worth it at that price as people get mastersale rights to my search engine rankings course (meaning they can even sell the resale rights). And the other bonuses provided by Anik I can't offer as he is only allowing me to offer them for this promotion at this stage. I like to offer bonuses that are worth more than the value of the product that I'm promoting so as to give extra value.

Manoel: I'm not promoting Guru Mastermind, I'm sure it'll be a great course, but I haven't reviewed it myself to know if it is good or not. 72 hour product creation isn't something that I personally believe in (I could never create a quality product in 72 hours myself), but I do love the rest of the launch tree process if you already have a product and want to promote it, then there are dozens of fantastic gold nuggets of advice that will double the bottom line of most online product owners.
Thuy Myers 16 years ago
Mark I want you to know that i REALLY REALLY appreciate your recommendations. please keep them coming. before i stumbled onto affilorama, i bought a book called "affilate millions" and it was not just a scam piece of junk but it was 200 pages of nothingness. i respect and value your opinion so please keep them coming. your recommendation of article marketing automation is great. i wish they had better tutorials but its still a great tool and i have 19 articles published pointing to my site now in related topics! wow! before last week i never would have thought that possible. its only been 3 days! so thank you mark! your recommendations are worth gold!
Thuy Myers 16 years ago
Jana, affiloblueprint works if you follow the program and have work ethic and patience. Im not affiliated with affilorama except as a student of the program. that's your answer to "what the hell works?" I understand your frustration and have been there myself. give it a go.
good luck and please email me if you need to vent or moral support! im a newbie too! 8-B
Helen Jean Fong 16 years ago
Hello, I signed up for launch tree last week and am really interested in getting the bonuses from Affilorama. I don't think I received a receipt from Launch tree but did receive log in information which must mean that they received my payment. I have contacted support to ask for the bonuses to be sent to me,supplying my order number but have had no response so far. What should I do to receive the bonuses?
Many thanks
Tom Vera 16 years ago

Same question as Tansy. Sent an email but no response so far. What should I do next?


David Leung 16 years ago
So did l too.
l brought the launch tree from their affaite link. l email customer support twice with my receipt to claim my bonuses to sent to me but l hear nothing all week.

I think this very unprofressional what they doing.

Tom 16 years ago
Launchtree's support is terribly poor, and incompetent. I had log in problem to my account since 5 days ago, and they couldn't resolve it until now! Not only that, they stop replying to my emails for more than 2 days now! I'm about to call up my bank to chargeback the payment I made for this product. They don't deserve my money for such poor service.
Thuy Myers 16 years ago
im most interested in the seo bonus. can anyone provide feedback about it. sorry to hear about all the hassle you all seem to be having.
Demiss 16 years ago

I have posted a comment here on this blog and it never made it to the public. I know i sounded harsh and i should be. Because what you guys are doing is totally irresponsible. Why do you think everyone here post his/her complaint about the bonus you promised to give away for everyone who bought through your link. I bet more than 50% of the people on this post are beginners and don't have interest in launch tree...its all about the bonuses. i think you are making a mistake if you don't give some explanation about this complaints, not because you have some thing to lose but man, what about ethics?
Mark Ling 16 years ago
Hi Demiss,

The reason I didn't post your comment (which is only one of three comments that I have denied this entire year by anyone) was because I felt it was unfairly harsh and didn't represent what actually happened and I didn't want others reading this blog to think that we were not going to supply the bonuses because we always supply everyone with their bonuses.

This blog isn't a place to make untrue and aggressive allegations against our company. I worked hard to put together these bonuses for everyone and the only reason why you haven't received yours is email deliverability problems.

I have tried personally emailing you with your access to the bonus, but your email address keeps bouncing back to me. What I need you to do is contact [email protected] with your launch tree login or receipt and we will promptly supply your bonus.

I do not deny anyone their bonuses, these are perfectly legitimate bonuses and the only reason why you haven't received yours yet is email deliverability issues.
Helen Jean Fong 16 years ago
Dear Mark,
It is good to see you replying on the missing bonuses matter. I'm a newbie Affiloblueprint customer and I've been checking my emails a few times every day to see if affilorama support has replied to my queries about the missing launchtree bonuses. So now you've told us we have to forward our log in details (seeing as I received no receipt). I'll do that and then get back to some income generating work . Thanks again.
Joe Walker 16 years ago
Same problem different day
I bought launch tree, mainly for your bonuses, last week. I have contacted their support several times to no avail. I have not received a receipt from them nor have I received their product either but I do have my receipt from my bank where the payment went through. Just like the other members here have done, I am asking for your help.
Joe Walker
Mark Ling 16 years ago
Hi Joe,

I don't know what is going on with Launch Tree support, but I'm meeting Anik Singal in person in a couple of days time in Vegas and will ask him myself what is going on there as it is a worry to me too.

We do give out our bonus package to everyone who purchases through our affiliate link, just email [email protected] with some sort of proof of purchase so that we can verify your name/email against our affiliate records.

Kind regards,
bwagner 16 years ago
I got a response from Affilirama Support on May 27 concerning the missing "How to get High Search Engine Rankings" bonus. Ampie from Customer Support stated that he would email me back as soon as he got additional information. As of today I have not heard anything new but will let everone know if I get an update. I hope this bonus will be posted very soon. I have been checking each day since May 12th since it says it will be posted within 5 days.

Mark Ling 16 years ago
Hi Schintzelpix (BWagner),

I'm really sorry about the delay with that particular bonus, I'm in Las Vegas this weekend speaking at a conference and while that particular bonus (the last remaining Launch Tree bonus to be supplied) was ready about a week ago, I'd forgotten to tell the staff to upload it. That was totally my fault and again I'm sorry about that.

I have uploaded it now, so it is in your Launch Tree bonuses members area along with all the other bonuses. All the best!

bwagner 16 years ago

Thanks for getting that last bonus posted. I finally see it in the bonus area. I'm already downloading and look forward to taking a look at it.

Enjoy Vegas
bwagner 16 years ago

It looks like I spoke to soon. The link to the SEO Videos 4 and 5 is not functioning. Hopefully it will be an easy fix. The rest of the links are working fine.

Chua Wen Ching 16 years ago
Hi Mark,

I have a question. Regarding the, there is a file on 'Ling_Bonus_Audio_Package.pdf".

I can't seem to click on any of the links. I assume that is where I can link to the Affiliate Classroom part of your bonus right?

Any help on this one? I think this is the missing puzzle.


Wen Ching
Karen Louie 16 years ago
Hi there,

I just downloaded the "How to Get High Search Engine Rankings". Everything downloaded fine except for the "SEO Videos 4 & 5". An error message from Host Gator appears when you double click on it. Please let us know when or if this will be available.

Michael Chua 16 years ago
SEO videos 4 and 5 can't be downloaded.
Mark Ling 16 years ago
Hey, sorry I've fixed up that broken link.

bwagner 16 years ago

Thanks a lot. It works now

Joshua 16 years ago
Hi Mark,

I just sent my second message requesting the bonuses since I got no response the first time I sent my receipt for Launch Tree. Are you having trouble getting emails to me also?

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View all 91 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)