John Reese Traffic Secrets 2.0 Launch

By Affilorama Group
John Reese Traffic Secrets 2.0 Launch


Hi Guys,

Traffic Secrets 2.0 is launching today (or tomorrow depending on your time zone), it might have actually launched already.

This is the web address for it:

What's it about?

  • Cutting-edge strategies to getting more visitors to your website.
  • How to dramatically improve your conversion rates.
  • John Reese's PPC blueprint.
  • Video Marketing
  • Social marketing strategy
  • How to use widgets and software to boost visitors and sales
  • Super affiliate strategies
  • Keyword science
  • Search Engine Optimization dynamics
  • John Reese's overall master plan
  • And a lot more strategies worth having a very close look at.

Who is it for?

John was nice enough to give me a copy in advance and I think it is exceptional value for newbies and intermediates.

My Traffic Secrets 2.0 rating for newbies/intermediate marketers (ie if you are earning under $4k a week): 10/10

If you are an advanced internet marketer, then I'd say there is a 70% chance you'd find it to be of great value to you. However I had personally heard of a lot of the strategies before, but I am very much up with the play and do have access to hundreds of these kinds of courses so the fact that I gained a few little gold nuggets in there is pretty good.

My Traffic Secrets 2.0 rating for advanced marketers (ie if you are already earning over $4k a week): 7/10

As always with these big launches I have some great bonuses for you:

If you choose to purchase through my affiliate link below, then you'll receive the following:

  • Super Bonus #1: Advanced copy of Traffic Travis 3.0: This is my latest product to be released very soon, you'll the premium edition without paying AND before anyone else.
  • Super Bonus #2: Interview with Affiliate Millionaire Mr A: In my interview with Mr A, you'll discover exactly how Mr A has built up an affiliate empire which earns him over 65 grand per month! Everything from list building to some sneaky conversion rate secrets that he uses. This interview is invaluable.
  • Super Bonus #3: Plus, you'll have resale rights to the Mr A interview so that you can start selling this interview yourself. ($197 value)
  • Super Bonus #4: "The Anatomy of a Perfect PPC Campaign" with Jay Stockwell of Speed PPC ($97 value)
  • Super Bonus #5: "PPC Marketing Unleashed": This is a recorded interview I did for Michael Rasmussen, where you'll learn how I make over $15k per week using PPC marketing. You'll also learn how I built up several niche mailing lists of over 1 million people and if that's not enough, you'll also receive resale rights to this interview so you can start profiting from it right away. ($197 Value)  

To claim all those super bonuses, simply purchase Traffic Secrets 2.0 through my affiliate link below:


Mark Ling

Manoj 17 years ago
'Traffic Secrets' has become a cultural icon these days. It's not only because of the buzz created around this product but also because of the goodwill John has built all these days by over-delivering just like you:)
Lawrence Fernandes 17 years ago
I just began an online business which I must promote folks to visit a web site. I'm looking forward to applying hints I have accumulated and saved from Affilorama.
Paul 17 years ago
Question? Are there ANY ethical and successful online maerketers?

From my experience online in the beginning my anwser would have been
a resounding no,but gradually I began to find a few online operators
who had integrity and some professional standards.

For anyone who has been on the treadmill of Internet Marketing and
attempted to learn about making money online and been the victim
of any one of thousands of self appointed money making Guru's online.

I can report that I have at last found a man who has a real product
with real lessons and a great professional system.

John Reese is one of only a few online marketers that I have found
that does not constantly spam me with upsell offers on products of
poor or no quality and who geniunely seems to want people who buy
his products to really succeed just like he has.

John love your products and love your attitude.
I truely believe you have given me the information and the skills
to make an ethical online fortune and to built an online business
to be proud of.