Introducing Caleb Johnny Ling :)

By Mark Ling
Introducing Caleb Johnny Ling :)


Hi Everyone,

I meant to get this post out several weeks ago, however I've been taking a lot of time out to be a full time dad lately, so I thought I might as well wait till I had some Christmas snapshots to share also before announcing that I'm once again a proud father :)

Here is the story of what happened:

Six weeks ago, on November 16 my 2nd son, Caleb Johnny Ling, was born (pronounced 'Cay-lib').


When he came out I thought he looked so much like my other son Benjamin, here is a photo of Benjamin when he was a newborn - notice the similarities?

For the first 20 hours or so, everything was fine with Caleb, then after that he started breathing really fast (120 breaths per minute, normal is 40-60). He then got rushed into intensive care, which was very frightening for my wife Michelle and I as we didn't know what was going on.

They tested him for all sorts of things from Pneumonia to Meningitis, and concluded that there was not foreign bacteria and that the problem was that he had a small puncture in his lung which caused a lot of trapped oxygen to escape. That was a good thing as this is quite a common problem apparently and was one that healed itself over the 10 nights that he was in hospital.


The intensive care unit people were amazing and who knows what would have happened if they didn't get on to this right away, as they needed to help him by putting him on a ventilator, plus all sorts of other stuff like morphine to help with the pain. Now you wouldn't know there was ever a problem as he is totally healthy and doing really well! :)

Here are some more pics, this is one of Benjamin showing his interest in his new brother (he has been giving him lots of kisses every day and has been a really good big brother):



Here is one of Caleb having his first bath at home (almost 2 weeks old):


Caleb catching up on a bit of light reading :)


Benjamin loves his wee brother:



While Ben is way too young to know what was about to come on Christmas day, he sure did love the Christmas tree! As you can probably imagine, he is usually on the outside of this playpen :)



Caleb sleeping (3 weeks old):



Grandad (my dad) spoils Benjamin with a bike for Christmas - yes Ben is only 20 months old riding it, though my dad is assisting him with the help of a special attachment :)



Ben loves his little digger from his Santa sack - Lucky boy got so spoilt by all his family!



Caleb chilling out, now 6 weeks old:



I hope you've enjoyed seeing these photos of my 2 wee boys, and I wish all of you a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2012 ahead!!

All the best,

Mark Ling

Founder of Affilorama and Traffic Travis




View all 196 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)

Troy Todd 13 years ago
Hi Mark, That photo with Caleb reading how I made my first million, What a classic. That is hilarious.
Congrats and all the best for 2012.
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Hey Troy, good to hear from you. Yeah I thought it'd be funny to show him when he's older ;) Hope you have an awesome 2011 too!
Heather 13 years ago
Hi Mark, thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of your family. Congrats on your beautiful new baby and hope you and your family have a blessed New Year!
Adrian Ling 13 years ago
Hi Mark,

Heartiest congrats to you and Michelle! Thanks for sharing the meaning of Caleb - very encouraging. (will the 3rd one be named Joshua? ;-)

Best wishes to you and your lovely family in the coming New 2012!

ravi rajan 13 years ago
hi mark congratulations and all the very best in future :)
ashish thakur 13 years ago
hi happy family sir wish u happy 2012
thabacus 13 years ago
Congratulations Mark. Hope you manage with the sleepless nights. I'm sure the joy more than compensates! Have a great 2012.
Richard Lewis 13 years ago
Very happy for you Mark. I also had two young boys but lost one, Daniel, this year - never take this blessing for granted. Thanks for your help this year, have a great 2012!
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Wow that is so sad, I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know how you'd manage to cope. Yes I totally do appreciate what I have and especially after having Caleb in ICU after birth. I hope everything goes well for you from here on in, again I'm so sorry to hear that.
Lynne 13 years ago
Congratulations to you and Michelle. How exciting and what a lovely family.

Beautiful little ones. You must both be very proud :) and no doubt feel very blessed...

So glad Caleb got over the initial concerns, he certainly looks a bundle of joy and health now!

Wishing you and your family all the best for the coming year.
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Thanks Lynne, yes he certainly is a bundle of joy and we're very lucky to have him. Hope you and your family have a fantastic 2011!
Ross 13 years ago
Hi Mark, nice story and pics.

Makes me more nervous though as my wife and I are expecting our first child in a couple of days. D.Date:1.1.12

(Mark a note for your website designer: In google chrome your "Post a Comment" is not displaying the "Your Name" "Your Email" and Your Website (optional) stuff but does in Internet Explorer.)

All the best for 2012 and hope you achieve your goals in 2012 at a rate of ten times over. Also hope that Chch stops having earthquakes too, it was a big H Fck when we were living there.........

Warren Wheeler 13 years ago
Congrats guys.
Love the pics - especially the - How I made My First Milliion

He's a cutie
Carlos Akira Higuti 13 years ago
Hello, Mark!
Congratulations on your second baby! This joy with the coming of a baby is huge! I felt it when my son was born!
Congratulations, and Happy New Year to you and your entire family!
Kieran Gracie 13 years ago
Caleb is a really lovely addition to an already beautiful family! Well done and good luck, Mark and Michelle. We wish you all a very happy New Year, and many more to come, from our little island of Madeira.

Kieran and Moya Gracie
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Thanks Keiran and Moya, just looked up your island - it looks like a very beautiful place to live!
Janey 13 years ago
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the good news. The pictures are beautiful.. Wishing you and your family joy, peace and health all throughout the new year!
Graeme 13 years ago
Congrats o you and Michelle!!

Good looking Boy!

Blake 13 years ago
Congratulations Mark!
Michele 13 years ago
What beautiful boys... You must be so proud. So when is no. 3 going to come along??
jazz 13 years ago
Congratulation for your new born son Caleb, he is amazing boy. Happy+Healthy+wealthy....Happy New Year to you & your family, Jazz
Mary Greene 13 years ago
Welcome to the world, Caleb! What wonderful news for the Ling family. Congratulations, Mark.

Mary Greene
Arnie Fulmer 13 years ago
Hi Mark,
Great pictures thanks for sharing!!
Geoff and Diane 13 years ago
Great to see the two children. You must both be very proud of them. Every good wish for the new year.
Geoff Bennett and Diane Young UK
Denny Ferris 13 years ago
Congratulations on God's gifts of your precious children to you. Denny
Jeff Jump 13 years ago
Nice family. Congrats on the new baby boy. Gods blessing to all of your family and have a happy new year.
Raymond Feeney 13 years ago
I can I not comment. This is just wonderful and I am so happy you shared your current events (get it?) with us. You have a wonderful family and a great future to look forward too.

I am going to use Calib's birthday as an anniversary date for me, the day I joined your ranks. I signed up on December 19 and am planning to sign up for Affilojetpack next.

Again Congratulations Mark.
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Hey thanks for the nice words, I hope you have a fantastic 2012! All the best
Linda Norris 13 years ago
Hey Mark,

Congratulations & glad all is well now... Great photo of Caleb catching up on a bit of bedtime reading.

All the best for 2012

Mark Ling 13 years ago
Lol, yeah I thought it'd be a funny one to bring out at his 21st or something someday in the future :) Hope you have a fantastic 2012!
Kathy Tremblay 13 years ago
Hi Mark and Michelle! God Bless you and your beautiful family! Congratulations! I'm so pleased that Caleb has improved and ... oh wow... he looks SO healthy! Be well my friends...
TONS of hugs and love from Kathy Tremblay :)
Rebecca 13 years ago
Congratulaitons Mark! What lovely babies!!!
HIghHopes 13 years ago
Congrats on the new baby. He should keep you busy for a while.
Peter. 13 years ago
Congratulations to the new addition to your family Mark, I loved the light reading photo...

My youngest out of Six is also called Caleb...good name... lol. I am so glad he is well and looks to be very alert.

I do wish you all the very best for 2012 and take care...Peter

Thanks for all your work in Affilorama.
Shaun Young 13 years ago
A belated Merry Xmas to you and your family Mark. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your two little ones, and for the seasons greetings. Great to hear Caleb's doing alright now.

Congratulations to you both. It's nice to have two kids that are so close in age, and pleased to see that Ben's warming up to his little bro.

Take care and wishing you all the best for the NY. Let's make it a good one! :)

P.S - nice to see Caleb's starting reading inspirational books early :)

Mark Ling 13 years ago
Well, I liked the title of that book, thought it'd be a funny photo to show to him when he's older :) We're really lucky to have Caleb and Benjamin in our lives and while they can be a handful lol, they are the best things to have happened to either of us. Hope you had a very happy christmas and all the best for the new year ahead!
Lewis M Buckles 13 years ago
Thanks for sharing your joy with us. You look so proud. Let us know when he rides his first bike and builds his first SEO'd niche site. :)
harjit singh 13 years ago
Hi Mark, Michelle, Benjamin, Caleb, and Granddad (of Caleb),
Congratulations for the extension of your family Mark.
Greetings! for 2012, let you achieve everything you dreamed.

With regards,
Robert 13 years ago

Congratulations on your second boy Caleb. The pictures with him reading How I made My First Milliion made me laugh. He actually looks a little like you already.

I am a member of both your affioblueprint and affilojetpack coures's and have finally put my first site online Would you take a look at my site and give me a quick critique although i do appreciate you don't have much time at the minute.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family all the best for 2012.

Thanks for all the great training and resources.
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Hey Robbo, Merry Christmas and happy new years! I have recorded a quick video review of your site here: ... Hope this helps. :)
Naomi 13 years ago
Mark and Michelle,
Congratulations on 2 beautiful children! I am so glad that everything went so well with Caleb after your scare and hope that this is the last you hear of it! Have a fabulous 2012 with those little bundles of energy!
Best Naomi
13 years ago
Talk about a great Christmas present!


[email protected] 13 years ago
It is nice to see your newborn and congratulations! Obviously it is increased your responsibilities not only in internet marketing but also in your family way. Happy New Year (addition) 2012! Thanks for your sharing.

R. Manimaran
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Thanks R Manimaran, yes responsibilities have gone up a notch once again, but well worth it. Hope you have a fantastic 2012 too!
Tomara 13 years ago
Love the photos! Looks like you're going to have your hands full in 2012. Congratulations on your new addition :-)
Belinda Manion 13 years ago
Hi Mark

Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family and CONGRATULATIONS to you, Michelle and Benjamin on the arrival of Caleb. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. You have gorgeous boys and I hope they bring you both many years of love and happiness;-) I hope all is well In Christchurch what with all these earthquakes. With the exception of friends of ours that have just immigrated to Auckland, we don't know anyone else living in New Zealand, so every time I hear about an earthquake over there, I think of you and your family and I pray that you aren't badly or tragically affected in any way. I hope all is therefore well and may God Bless you and your family always and in all ways. Regards Belinda
Mark Ling 13 years ago
Thanks Belinda, the earthquakes don't bother me so much as I'm never in any old buildings and most (if not all) of the dangerous buildings have been 'red stickered' now. However the thing that worries me is if either of my son's are right near some falling object as children are so delicate. Hope you have a great new years :)
Maxwell Kevin Percy 13 years ago
Hello Mark,
may you and your family enjoy good health and every success for 2012.

Thankyou for sharing your wonderful photos with us.

I am surprised we are not seeing more premature births and girls being born with all the shaking going on here in Christchurch.

Just when we think it maybe coming to an end wham another shock from out of the blue!

Warmest regards.

Max Percy

Mark Ling 13 years ago
Actually Caleb was 2 weeks premature, though nothing to do with the earthquakes, was just that they scanned him and knew he was going to be a big baby so they induced him early as Michelle had gestational diabetes (which went away hours after he was born).
Gloudina Gr 13 years ago
Congratulations, Mark! You have two beautiful boys! Thanks for sharing with us. Di
Pliney Davies 13 years ago
Clearly, Caleb is a trooper. And Ben, how adorable! Congratulations to the extended family!
Jack 13 years ago
Congratulations to you and your wife. He is truly a handsome baby boy!!
Jack Ernissee 13 years ago
Congratulations to you and your wife. I know you both must be extremely happy. He is a very handsome baby....Congrats!!
Lucy 13 years ago
First let me congratulate you and your wife on your newly family member.May you have peace of mind and enjoy your life as you wished. Secondly, I use this opportunity, to wish you and your family Happy New Year,Wishing you the Best in 2012
Thanks for sharing those wonderful Picturs, looks awsome.Stay Blessed.
tulips 13 years ago
Hi Mark
Congratulations to you and your wife on your newly arrival family member, in less than 24 months two beautiful babies, that is a blessing. Enjoy life as it pleases you..I use this opportunity to wish you and your Family Happy New Year, and all the best in 2012... Thanks for sharing these awsome Photos, stay Blessed.
Kay 13 years ago
Hi Mark,

Congratulations ! and Happy New Year 2012 to you and your family.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos.

Samuel Frost 13 years ago
Congratulations Mark!
John Brown 13 years ago
Congratulation on your two children, they both look to be fine boys. They will bring you much joy and many memories. I apologize for responding so late. Dealing with the economic crisis has taken its toll. I want to thank you for making Affilorama and CWS available to me. I have tried to build a website and am continuing with that venture. I think as I become more familiar with building these sites I will get better and more easily monetize them. Christmas is an observance I have long abandoned following the teachings of Jehovah God through his word and through his Son. In those teachings it has been brought to my attention that there has been no such teaching by his son and so I abandon the teaching of Christmas as well as many other non scriptural teachings. I don't intend to offend anyone maybe enlighten but it is pointless to share and try to offend. Hope you all can understand that concept. May Jehovah God bless you and your family.
mark fewsmith 13 years ago
Congrats man!
Byron 13 years ago
Pretty! This has been an extremely wonderful article. Thanks for providing this info.
hcgamers 13 years ago
Hi, I think your blog might be having browser compatibility
issues. When I look at your website in Chrome, it looks fine but
when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping.
I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Other then that, wonderful blog!

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