Hey Guys,
I’ve just finished editing the teleseminar that I recorded with Amit Mehta from http://www.ppcclass2.com (Launching October 14)
He went from $20,000 in debt to earning $2.4 million last year as a PPC super affiliate.
In the interview below you’ll learn a lot of his secrets and strategies. It was recorded with a live audience listening in and many people submitted questions for Ahmet to answer. We grilled him for an hour and a half to gain as many of his secrets to making a great living from Pay Per Click marketing as we could.
Make sure you grab something to drink, clear yourself of distractions, pull the phone out of the wall and sit down with a pen and paper so that you can take a lot of notes, you’re about to learn a lot of valuable information about Pay Per Click affiliate marketing and how you can make a living online from it. And you’re learning from a master…
You can download it to your computer from here by right clicking on the link and choosing ’save as’: Interview with Amit Mehta
Mark Ling
Henry Galaso • 16 years ago
im interested in finding out what you think the best affiliate program to join is besides CJ and Shareasale... we are looking to grow grow grow and we need the best,, Regards
Ramona C. Frye • 13 years ago
Kalyani • 7 years ago
Thnk u