How to Rank Highly in MSN's Bing

By Mark Ling
How to Rank Highly in MSN's Bing


Hi Everyone,

Today I'm writing about how to rank highly in MSN Bing.

Microsoft’s newest search engine, Bing, was first released in May 2009. With Bing, it seems like they’ve finally hit on something the public can get behind. This is a very pretty piece of tech. So, like the rest of the marketing community, I’ve been digging in and analysing how to rank highly in MSN Bing.

Not shockingly, the rankings for Bing versus Yahoo! or Google are not necessarily very different. The major differences relate mostly to the fact that Bing is new.

Quality Content First

Bing, like so many other search engines has built its entire algorithm around the user experience. That’s not a bad thing though. It actually makes things easier for you and here’s how. Your competitors are all out there searching for ways to “trick” the search engines into higher rankings. They don’t want to put the hard work in for quality content. So, when you do, you automatically jump ahead of them.

The three things I want you to remember here are:

1.       Continue integrating keywords into your text – While quality content is important, the keywords still help. Just don’t focus on the keywords to the detriment of your readers.

2.       Fresh content – Bing is a new search engine which means it is still indexing the web. A lot of spam littered sites that clog up Google and Yahoo! aren’t in there. So, if you use the tried and true trick of writing fresh content every week for your site, you’ll get more pages in Bing, which equals more traffic.

3.       Be original – There’s a temptation to write things that are already out there – co-opting ideas from other blogs and rewriting them. Not only do you need good content, you need original, fresh ideas to draw readers in.

Quality content is the foundation of all search engines (and the only answer you’ll get if you ask Microsoft this very question), so it should be the first thing you focus on when you build your content. Trust me, the rankings will come with it.

Managing Your Backlinks

Of course, part of good content is other sites telling Bing that your content is good. How do they do that? With a boatload of back links. This is another holdover from classic search algorithms by Google and one of the important ways to bump your way through Bing’s listings.

However, there are a few differences here to keep in mind. First, Bing doesn’t provide things like Page Rank to help you determine the internal ranking of the sites you’re getting links from. Second, not all sites – even the good ones – are listed in Bing yet.

To solve these two problems, you’ll need to do searches in Bing to find high ranking sites. Look for content rich sites that are related to your niche and don’t contain too many links already.

Also, sites that have good pagerank in Google, tend to more often than not hold good value as far as backlinks are concerned for Bing.

However, Bing places more emphasis on the title tags of the page that is linking to your page than Google does (ie not just the anchor text on that page). I think that is probably because Bing is not quite as sophisticated as Google is in determining the theme of a website or webpage as a whole, so it uses these title tags to determine the relevancy of the site linking to yours.

Additionally, if you have existing backlinks, make sure those sites are submitted in Bing. If they are not, you can manually submit them for inclusion. Sometimes, just submitting the sites that link to your site can help improve your ranking.

The idea here is always quality over quantity (though quantity doesn’t hurt). Look to add as many links as you can, but ensure they are all high quality.

Tweak Your Titles, Metas, and URLs

Yup, titles, meta tags and URLs are still important factors for search rankings, though not nearly as much as they were in the 1990s. First, make sure every page on your site has a unique, keyword rich title. Then, make sure you include both the META description tag and the META keywords tag on every page, with original content in each of them.

These are simple tasks that a lot of sites neglect. If you are using a Wordpress installation, you can add the All-in-One SEO plugin to provide custom titles and descriptions for every one of your blog posts.

Additionally, make sure the URLs for each of your pages are descriptive and keyword rich. This falls into both the technical and aesthetic sides of search engine optimization. Bing uses keywords to determine content, but they also use language filters to determine if the titles and URLs are useful to the user. So, don’t stuff keywords in there without rhyme or reason. Write them in a way that provides value to your reader while still describing content to the search engine.

There are a few things that make Bing a little different to Google in the way they do their rankings... for instance:

The age of your domain: Bing puts a lot more weight on the age of your website than Google does, the older your site is the more likely Bing is to trust it.

The amount of words per page: Bing puts a higher weighting on pages that have more content than pages that have less content. So as a rule of thumb, with Bing, you'll find it a little harder to rank highly with pages that are less than 300 words long, whereas with Google, while content is king, the length isn't quite so heavily weighed on.

Bing likes sites that link out: If you link out to lots of good quality sites, Bing trusts your site more and you end up getting higher rankings. When you link out Bing seems to like it if the title tags of the pages that you link to include the keyword that your page is trying to rank for.

Backlinks: While they are important with Bing, they are nowhere near as important as they are with Google. Some people on Bing-optimization related messageboards complain about their rankings when they have thousands of backlinks and high Google rankings, but they haven't got other areas going well on their sites that Bing places more weight on than Google does.

Overall though, it all starts and ends with good, quality content. Bing, just like Google, wants happy readers. Make your readers happy and half the work is already done.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post, I'm interested in your comments!

All the best,

Mark Ling

P.S. On another note, make sure you check out the prelaunch blog for my newest and best product AffiloJetpack. I've released 2 free reports there, one is 'The 5 Step Formula For Making 10k/month Online' and the other is 'How to Make PILES of Cash By Giving Away Free Content'. Both are packed with a lot of detail and are well worth printing out before I take them down.

Click Here to visit the AffiloJetpack launch blog and to download those PDF reports


View all 63 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)

Karen Williams 15 years ago
I use Google's webmaster tool to resubmit my sitemap to Google each time I update the site. How do I submit my sitemap to Bing and how do I resubmit my sitemap to Bing when I update my site. I'm getting hit from Bing, but it looks like its usually from searches for images not searches for text.
mindfullseo webmaster 15 years ago
Very informative post on Bing optimization, and I totally agree with all that you said above on this subject matter ,) Content is still King! no matter what engine you are trying to rank in........ .) To your success Mark!
Dido 15 years ago
Thanks for the tips. It always come back to the main three points : Unique Content, Quality Backlinks, Avoid tricking the Engines.
Joao 15 years ago
Hi Mark,

Great info!
I had some insights on this topic already and you I'd say you layed it out very well.
Clear and objective.
Best Scentsy Products 15 years ago
That was a really good article. I have been lazy on the ancor text and also on the backlink Url. Thanks for the information. Very helpful.
Happiness 15 years ago
Thanks for sharing useful tips. Quality and original content makes a lot of difference with on page SEO. One can get many back links from social sites through virally if the content is unique and interesting.
Jack Keeth 15 years ago
Great material looks like you really did you home work, thanks.
You need every tool you can get to survive nowadays
Santhosh 15 years ago
Great info for somebody like me. I had been thinking that if we optimize for google, that should be enough for Bing and Yahoo.
data recovery 15 years ago
Most of the Website Publishers/Owners target the big G (Google Search Engine) for their traffic and leave the rest of the top search engines like Yahoo and Bing (formerly MSN). Make sure bing knows where your back links are. Do searches on bing for the url where some of your back links are then if bing has no listing it may offer you to input the url. Input all of your urls for your back links.
Andrew H. (cherrytree) 15 years ago
Hey Mark Thanks For the Very Useful and Timely Post It Answers a Question I Had in the Forums and You Helped Answer It.I Say Timely Because of Bing Taking over Yahoo and Bing Being The New "Backend" of Yahoo.Three Days Ago Some Of My Sites On Front Page Of yahoo Suddenly Got Bumbed Lower Then i Read in "Web Pro News" and They Mentioned they Had Started Implementing The new Change in Yahoo This Week.Also i Didn't Realize Facebook Search is powered By Bing.So Thanks Again For The Help, Cherrytree
umesh 15 years ago
Well written and informative article. I liked the difference part between Bing and Google.
But Bing does not index all the pages of a website/blog very well.
steve 15 years ago
very good site
wally saintil 15 years ago
yes i like networkmarketing
peggy hurd 15 years ago
This is just what I need, as one of my local dental companies has recently brought me on to do some SEO for them, and they want to place for the three top search engines. I think this information would be really interesting to my visitors at:
I do have some of the same concerns as Suzie, at the top of this page. If a person is concentrating on one thing to please one search engine, then they may have a harder time pleasing another search engine which places their ranking emphasis in a different area.
sue wood 15 years ago
Some great info....pleased I found this site ,great you guys are from christchurch, I am in Wellington,
not far away..........
Claire 15 years ago
Good article. I stilll have quite a bit to learn.
Dev - 2 Make Money 15 years ago
A while ago I was ranking high for MSN, and I thought that it could be the same for Bing.

It does make sense now...All I need to do is to write for my readers, specially my title tags.

Thanks for this post, really appreciate it :)
Juana Gillum 15 years ago
Thanks for the practical advice. I think so many of us are used to optimizing for Google that there is a learning curve with Bing. Your taking the time to highlight the differences is so helpful!
robert williams 15 years ago
It had crossed my mind that there is so much emphasis on ranking in Google that ranking in the other search engines isn't a consideration which is really an opportunity for those who take the time to discover how.
justin 15 years ago
Hi Mark. Great blog post. I'm a member and cannot recommend you highly enough. Albeit that I'm only a few months in, I do have a few years seo experience so I'll be ramping up soon. I'm curious how you know what the details of the MSN algorithm? Thanks for all you do.
Lois Chowen 15 years ago
I hope that somewhere, in all of your articles, you will include a glossary page for all us newbies. Backlink, tags, etc?????
William 15 years ago
Hi Mark,
Great info you put together for us to know about SEo with Bing..Something i will be implementing myself soon with them with my new site..

Barry A Ross 15 years ago
Hey, I appreciate the tip about submitting sites to Bing that link to your site - that never occurred to me.
anthony 15 years ago
It never occurred to me that Bing could be an important tool for traffic.Thanks for the info.
Windows 7 Tips 15 years ago
I read the first time a article about bing, while I force my all energy to get ranking in google, you can write many useful things to get ranking in bing.
william eckard 15 years ago
Informative post Mark. It helps to get a professional analysis as it does seem more difficult to rank with Bing. Again it seems like it all boils down to getting the basics right.
Vince 15 years ago
You will have to apply the same rule of thumb in optimizing your blog or website for Google. I think they are all pretty much the same in nature.

One of my blogs rank well on these three search engines in search engines. So if you are really for ranking well, just do what you did for Google.
Pablo Edwards 15 years ago
Thanks for the tips, they are huge!
Wayne Cooper 15 years ago
Thanks for the informative post Mark. Everyone just concentrates on Google. Its good to see some good alternatives!

Adam Kim 15 years ago
Hey Mark thanks for the updates on BING... one query I have though... you mentioned ::::
THE age of your domain: Bing puts a lot more weight on the age of your website than Google does, the older your site is the more likely Bing is to trust it.

I've managed to get alot of my main keywords ranked top 10 with BING for a website that is less then 1 month old.... over my competitors....

so does it really count on the AGE ?
Ougen Grathwohl 15 years ago
I admit having all hands full to learn about Google it was very interesting to read about bing. Thanks! Oigen
Lisa Groundwater 15 years ago
G'day Mark,
Thank you for this blog/forum. I find it very informative and it is good to know that there are still some out there who are willing to offer helpful advice with out the price take.
Your site definitely be one of those well used bookmarks on my computer.
Keep up the great work and I wish your prosperity with your new adventure.
mobile artikel 15 years ago
Thanks for share guys..

But I see that your tips it's not only for bing search engine..
That tips is for all search engine include google, yahoo and ask

That i mean..

Thanks you

Penpebso 15 years ago
Nice article, limiting oneself to more learning is just like depriving oneself of right. You've make a nice point to all. Thanks
ty813 15 years ago
Thanks great article. I am working on building my content and marketing my site so this information will come in handy.

"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent or greater success." ~ Napoleon Hill

Ty Ramjohn
Infinite Minds
Marcie Snyder 15 years ago
I really like this article because it has answered most of my questions concerning the way Bing ranks websites.
You say "if you have existing backlinks, make sure those sites are submitted in Bing."
How does one submit a site in Bing? Is there a set page where you can go to do that?

Eric Marlow 15 years ago
I think it's starting to sink into my mind. Creating original content with a unique angle will do more to help your rankings in all the search engines, including Bing, than anything else. Never hurts to be constantly reminded. Thanks Mark. :-)
Bruce 15 years ago
I too had assumed bing would work as msn search did. We often tend to focus too heavily on google and forget about the other search engines out there, this post is of invaluable help. Thanks for sharing
akbar 15 years ago
I have read article, I like very much because, In this article have many Important information's and also good commenting, but I want to know that how we can generate good traffic on our website....?
Free Giveaways 15 years ago
Thanks for the tips Mark. Although Google is the promised land it is still a good idea to try and rank highly in all of the major search engines. Thanks again
Sylviane Nuccio 15 years ago
Great information here. Personally I love Bing, because in a lot of areas that you mention in your post I like the way they judge a site better than Google does sometimes. However, in the end it always comes down to quality content and this is how it should be.
Jaz 15 years ago
Yes I am beginning to like bing too. I use seo quake to gather site statistics. Lately, I have been seeing a great number of backlinks assocated with Bing! Cant wait to experiment with it : )
Davi 14 years ago
Great blog Mark - still battling to understand Bing, but getting there slowly with help from you and others. Need to check out SEO Quake too by the sounds of things.
Bruce 14 years ago
Thanks for the info Mark. What is the best way to get inbound links to a relatively new web site?
Jackie 14 years ago
Thanks Mark, Some interesting information here. I have some sites that rank highly on Bing and Yahoo but others that are somewhere in never, never land on Bing yet are on page one of Google. Some are for very highly competitive keywords.

This has been puzzling for me and since I like puzzles I have decided to spend a little time working on this one. I think I will investigate your outlinks statment and test it first. We'll see.

Thanks again for the info.

Arsenal 14 years ago
Surely they use the same factors as google
Hire a graffiti artist 13 years ago
An interesting read, and it came up high on bing so you must be doing it right! Going to implement some of these changes on our site..
Fatih 13 years ago
It already is copteming. I just wish people would give it a chance, instead of sticking to Google because it's what they've always used, and it's hard to imagine that maybe some search engine could be better. I gave it a try, and I found some nice things about it, like:1. Homepage is always something interesting The homepage has a daily background that's usually nice to look at, and the little Hotspots on the background have some cool tidbits you can search with. Also, if you're not interested in that, the search box loads up first and the fastest. 2. Web results are more convenient I like some of the Instant Answers that Bing comes up with. Like if it's a very popular site, it will be the first results, and some important links (within the site) will be listed underneath. Sometimes even a search box will appear under the result so you can search within that site. Sometimes relevant news articles show up, weather, traffic data, etc. Also you can hover over a result, and a little thing will show up on the right of it that will show you a text preview of how the query relates to the site.3. Superb image search There's infinite scroll, so you don't have to click extra pages to find better images. It's a clean results page, and you can hover over a thumbnail for extra info., and there are some really great filters so you can a more exact image. You can even create a collection of images you like by dragging them to the Scratchpad so you can look at all the ones you like when you're finished. 4. Awesome video search Bing has to be the best on the web. The neat thing about Bing's is that you can hover over a thumbnail and it will play a preview of the video, so you don't have to guess and click a result, and find that you wasted your time. Also, it searches many video sites and regular sites. 5. Shopping is better on Bing You can find a LOT of good deals, because there is something called Cashback and you can get a percentage of the regular price paid back to you, depending on what store you buy from. It's like a rebate, but online and with definitely more certainty. Also, each product has user reviews and specs/features that are really handy to look at. I might even consider switching full time, but it will be hard leaving a search engine I'm used to.
tommy smith 12 years ago
thanks for this blog. iam allready at the top position for the keyword buy hip hop beats on google but not on bing. i try to rank up there in the future for bing and maybe also yahoo. greets
gearx shop 12 years ago
Great tips. I have give a link to this post on my own blog for the benefit of my own clients. It’s great to see that some are recognizing social networks as being valuable and far from frivolous.

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