I've been kept
rather busy lately piecing together a year-long auto-responder email series for
my subscribers. Let me tell you, it has been a mind-numbing task at times,
requiring a lot of ‘suck it up Kim and just get through these next 50 days of newsletters'
self encouragement talk.
Luckily, I'm
happy with the end result :)
After taking a
moment to bask in the relief and glory of having a WHOLE year's worth of emails
set up and running (cha-ching!), the memories of exasperation returned. Why oh
why do some merchants make it SO hard for us to find the benefits of their
product and promote it??
In this post,
I'm having my revenge by outlining a few things that merchants could do for us
affiliates to make our lives just that bit easier...
Dear Merchants
I have recently spent time hanging out on many of your
sales pages and affiliate areas, and I thought it might be useful for you to
know how you could make it easier for affiliates to promote your products (we
are partners after all):
- If you've only got video sales copy (and no pause button!), we don't really want to listen to your entire video while frantically typing all the fantastic points that you're making. Yes, I'm aware that a handy shortcut would be to Google what others are saying about your product, but I'd like to form my own opinion. Be a Good Samaritan and give us some resources to use, it's a win-win for us both.
- If you have had the good grace to create some affiliate resources, may I suggest that you at least get the content proof-read before pinning them up for all affiliates to use? I don't think you really want your products to be poorly promoted if you can help it. Providing quality resources is of benefit to both parties.
- If your selling point is your own expertise, please supply your name and credentials (I am hoping the merchant I found guilty of not supplying these is a rarity). Firstly, it doesn't inspire much trust from potential customers when you are Mr. Anonymous - I mean, why would anyone want to send him their hard-earned cash? Secondly, it makes it very hard for affiliates to promote your product too - "buy this nameless guru's product" doesn't have a great ring to it.
- Keep your sales page and bonus material up to date. Your bonuses aren't much use to me if they expired last year and don't increase my conversions.
- Just how great are your bonuses? In some cases I felt the bonus was
actually more exciting than the product, which is kind of ok for affiliates because we can place
more emphasis on your bonuses when we write our material, but again, it doesn't inspire a lot
of confidence in your overall savvy-ness if your marketing priorities don't
seem right!
I'm not sure
how many merchants will be reading my blog post, but I do feel much better for
getting that off my chest.
Have you
experienced frustrations like these when writing promotional material? Share
your thoughts below.
Remember too
that we have just released our huge problem-solving product, AffiloJetpack. Included in
the perks of this package are 100% good to go year-long auto-responder
newsletter series for each of the jetpack niches (of which you get 5) - all you
need to do is insert your affiliate links.
So if going
through the mind-numbing frustrations that I have just been through doesn't
sound like your thing, and the several-thousand-dollar outsourcing price tag is
out of the question, then you can save yourself, and your sanity, with AffiloJetpack. Be in quick,
it's only available until this Sunday August 1st.
David Collins • 15 years ago
James Pruitt • 15 years ago
Also, If you have special criteria, or dont give out review copies please state it in the affiliate areas so that we don't waste your time or ours by requesting them.
Answer affiliate support emails. Ihave had a few that I emailed and never got a response. if that happens to me as an affiliate, I will assume it happens to your customers too, and i will drop you like a rock.
Holly Wadden • 15 years ago
megachile • 15 years ago
A nice plug for affilojetpack too. I agree that writing content (website articles, articles for linkbuilding, email newsletter series, free ebooks) takes a serious amount of time and/or money. I am really happy with the content you get with affilojetpack, it just needs a bit of a tweak depending upon the microniche you choose which is much easier than starting from scratch. Great value.
luciya helan • 15 years ago
Website Hosting
Andrew @ Blogging Guide • 15 years ago
Over the years I come across several products I'd like to promote but the owner provides no banners, no emails...
Stephen Anderson • 15 years ago
I am going to show my extreme 'Newbieness' lack of lingo understanding here --- Would you please explain what you mean by your statement---"Be a Good Samaritan and give us some resources to use, it's a win-win for us both." (In particular the 'resources' part.)
I have been surfing since the late '90's and probably will understand, maybe.
Thank you,
orangeboxes • 15 years ago
Kim Ross • 15 years ago
Some merchants will provide affiliates with resources to use on their website, for example banners, articles and emails that affiliates can use. It's very time-saving to promote a merchant with useful resources!
william eckard • 15 years ago
There are some merchants that go to a lot of trouble with their affiliate resources, but then again many merchants do not seem to understand the importance of their affiliates in their lives. With many of them one gets the feeling that the resources were set up years ago and they haven't bothered too update the resources with new technology etc
Virginia Perl • 15 years ago