Hi Guys,
I'm writing this blog post to give back to some of the people who I've gained a lot of great advice from, which has produced noticable benefits in my business. You won't see any affiliate links in this post.
I hope I don't offend anyone that I may not have mentioned. Some of my personal friends, family, employees and business partners have been among the most instrumental in my learning.
I haven't included their names in this list because they are private people who don't necessarily want their names on this blog. What I have here for you is a list of people that YOU can learn from (as they have books, and home study courses that you too can take a look at).
In no particular order, I've learned great things from:
John Reese, his original Traffic Secrets product really helped me get my head around how to boost profits from my own products through not only gaining extra traffic, but through increasing the conversion rates of my sales copy and success of my newsletters.
Eban Pagen, through closely following his 'Double Your Dating' product marketing sequence, I've learned a great deal about how to integrate, backend, cross-promote, write great sales copy and more. He now teaches what he does via his 'Get Altitude' course.
John Kehoe, other people have guys like Tony Robbins. I have John Kehoe. I first listened to his Mind Power tapes back when I was 16 and they forever changed my mindset and, as a result, my life. Whoever says this stuff doesn't work doesn't know what they're talking about. His book is a lot cheaper, but not as engaging, I recommend his audios highly. Go get them on CD if you can.
Mark Joyner, he extended my knowledge of how to use human psychology in marketing. He has also been great at teaching me conversion rate secrets. He has a particularly great book called Mind Control Marketing, which I feel is an essential read.
Tom Hua, by purchasing his FreeToSell product quite a few years ago, I found out all about clickbank and the fact that I could make money selling eBooks (both as an affiliate and a merchant).
Brad Sugars, I used to read his books before I discovered online gurus, such as Corey Rudl and others. He has some fantastic books that you can get from Amazon.com at very affordable prices. Instant Cashflow is a must.
Corey Rudl, after spending the first 5 years of my internet marketing career going it alone (and doing reasonably well), I took the plunge and purchased his 'Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet' product. As a result of coming across this product I finally understood how sales copy writing really works. Since then I've devoured over 100 copywriting books and courses and split tested and learned a lot. But this is where it all began for me in successful copywriting and I owe Corey a great Thank YOU. (Note Corey Died in a freak car accident and his company, The Internet Marketing Center, is now run by Derek Gehl)
Frank Kern, the most recent guy that I've learned a lot from. His mass control stuff works really well and is fantastic for any intermediate to advanced marketer wanting to take their online business to the next level.
Marc Lindsay and Daniel Turner of PlrPro, they really helped me a lot get my SEO knowledge up to an expert level. I was doing very well online when I met them, but they helped me get a much better grip on the search engine side of things.
David Allen, his 'Getting things done' book has been instrumental on me raising my productivity levels.
Gauher Chaudhry, I'm still in the process of learning from him as far as CPA offers goes (he is the best at teaching that method of making money online), but have learnt a great deal about PPC marketing in general from him.
Me, yep, I listed myself as you can learn from me too. In fact, like me, you can learn the greatest lessons from YOURSELF. I've done a LOT of testing, measuring, reading, and more. Ultimately, the most learning comes from TAKING ACTION AND DOING. I've done a lot, seen immense results and learned from my own observations and testing, and that ultimately has the biggest impact as I've seen first hand what works with my own eyes. You can too. Just get out there and TAKE ACTION ON A DAILY BASIS.
Other books you should check out are:
* 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
* Blueprint to a Billion
* The Google Story
So, that's my list. I've probably missed a few there, there are certainly others that I've learned from, but I've done my best to produce a great list for you to have a look at.
Have you got any to share with me? Leave them in your comments, no hyperlinks in this set of comments please, just genuine link-free recommendations thanks.
Photo: Moriza
Matts Matts • 15 years ago
I remember the days when i used to play guitar If i got to listen to a great band, and they mentioned some of their biggest influences I Instantly picked up their music as well and very very often those influences were great quality as well. I think same thing applies for IM.
cashflow game singapore • 14 years ago