Hey Guys,
I'm really excited about today's announcement. I've put together what I believe to be the best bonus package I've ever provided for the launch of a product.
All up the value is $8184 in high quality bonuses as you can see below. All you need to do is join Google Cash Detective 2.0 when it launches on Tuesday and you'll be given access to the below super bonuses (limited to the first 50 to join through my link).
But first, if you missed the teleseminar that I recorded with Chris Carpenter (creator of Google Cash Detective) then you can listen to it here.
And if you want to check out Chris's prelaunch videos, you can watch them here.
Here's what to do if you're in a rush and want to join NOW, plus claim your Bonuses:
To claim your bonuses you have to:
1. Clear your cookies (search google for 'how to clear your cookies' if you are unsure of how to do this).
2. Click the following link and then purchase Google Cash Detective 2.0 (Launches Tuesday 10 March 12pm EST)
==> Link to Google Cash Detective 2.0 Plus Bonuses <==
3. Email [email protected] with your receipt and we'll give you your bonuses.
Bonuses details are below...
Google Cash Detective Super Bonuses Package:
My Latest Confidential PPC Domination Plan ($2997 value)
I’ve got a brand new updated plan that I’ve devised for myself that I’m going to implement to make myself an extra huge income from PPC. This plan is unproven as of yet, but given the huge success of my previous ppc campaigns and the fact that this was developed in conjunction with numerous conversations with other ppc millionaire friends of mine, it is very likely to work well.
30 Exclusively Profitable Niches ($2997 value)
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I've gone through Google Cash Detective personally and pulled out these profitable niches by hand myself.
Instantly profitable campaigns webinar lead by Chris Carpenter Plus recording ($997 value)
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This is EXCLUSIVE for the first 50 people who buy through my link only. |
My 'Buyer' Keywords Report PLUS video (Value $97)
Some keywords result in higher probabilities of sales than other keywords and I've compiled a list from my vast experience in Pay Per Click as to what types of keyword phrases lead to buyers more often than most others. This is an essential list of 26 keywords, plus an explanation video that goes with them. Having these should be immediately helpful to your PPC efforts. I'll give you a quick example of one of these keywords: "stop" Now here's how that applies:
As you can see people who type the word "stop" are really stressed about a particular problem and want to 'stop' it right now. And hence a lot of these people want to pay money for the ultimate solution to their problem. This is just one example, there are 29 more of these powerful keywords in my 'Buyer' Keywords report PLUS video. This has been instrimental in my ppc success over the last few years and is going to play a big part in your future success too. It goes really well with Google Cash Detective when you find a profitable market and want to expand your keyword list beyond what you've uncovered using the GCD tool. |
CPA Riches Videos ($997 value)
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Watch these videos and discover how to leverage CPA (Cost Per
Aquisition) networks in your online business. CPA is great because you
get paid per lead, rather than per sale. For example, there are dozens
of offers where you'll get paid per email address that gets submitted,
or even just a zip code. Finally it's your turn to get on the INSIDE
and begin generating an unstoppable stream of cash with CPA's... even
if you've never signed up for a CPA network before! |
Traffic Travis Professional Edition ($99 value)Astoundingly comprehensive collection of essential market research tools, all in one place!
Traffic Travis with Google Cash Detective form a very powerful combination of tools for PPC domination.
Keyword research tools - Why pay membership fees? Traffic Travis can dig up piles of relevant keywords for your campaign. Simply type something in, choose your source, and away you go!
Competitive intelligence features - There are quite a few of these market research features, for example, once you've found the heavy hitters in your niche you can begin to analyze their strategy, beginning with their keyword list: In one swoop, Traffic Travis can tell you which keywords they're bidding on and how well the ad does for the advertiser. It can even track the advertiser's campaign over time!
Backlinks analysis - This nifty tool quickly checks who is linking to you, and then gives you a bunch of interesting statistics about those sites. You can also use this tool to see who is linking to your competitors! (This is a great way for finding sites to either swap links with or buy links from.)
On page SEO critic - This is like having an SEO expert looking over your shoulder. Traffic Travis will give you a rating for each page that you analyse for how well optimized it is for a particular search phrase. It'll also give you suggestions for how to improve your rating.
Graphs and reports - Make all that information easy to understand with Traffic Travis's reports and graphs. And remember... this is a great way to keep tabs on your competition as well!
And much more!
So there you have it, $8184 in high quality bonuses, it doesn't get any better than that!
Important: How to Claim Your Bonuses
To claim your bonuses you have to:
1. Clear your cookies (search google for 'how to clear your cookies' if you are unsure of how to do this).
2. Click the following link and then purchase Google Cash Detective 2.0 (Launches Tuesday 10 March 12pm EST)
==> Link to Google Cash Detective 2.0 Plus Bonuses <==
3. Email [email protected] with your receipt and we'll give you your bonuses.
All the best to your continued success!
Mark Ling
P.S. Just a quick heads up, I've heard that Chris Carpenter is limiting Google Cash Detective number to a maximum number of people, I haven't heard what that number is, but I'm sure it'd sell out within the week, or sooner.
View all 67 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)
Dave Tishendorf • 16 years ago
A sort off the wall question for just about anybody, really, but is it a good idea to call one's credit card company and let them know you have a $2,000 charge coming? That would be an unusally large amount for me and I'm afraid they might decline it, thinking it might be fraud. What do you think?
Fantastic bonuses, by the way. Look forward to being on your team.
Len Hill • 16 years ago
Simon Slade • 16 years ago
Lyndon • 16 years ago
Look forward to joining you on this project. How much cash do you
think I'll need to invest into Adwords before it becaomes obvious that
a campaign works? Are you doing any handholding from the outset? I
have done some PPC but have a negative ROI at the moment! I need to
make it work as I've convinced the wife that it's the thing that's
going to bring in a little extra cash (and maybe more!) so I really
need to see results in the first month so it gives me opportunity to
get a refund - I REALLY don't want to do that!
Thanks for your time
Hayden Walker Alexander • 16 years ago
Yusuf • 16 years ago
mikekaz • 16 years ago
MDJ • 16 years ago
Ken • 16 years ago
That's at 10:26AM(CST) Launch day...I'm peeved....I want in!
conrad • 16 years ago
Not too thrilled at the setup already.
Will • 16 years ago
Michael • 16 years ago
I recently purchased Traffic Travis. I am a newbie. What would be the key differences between GCD and TT? And if there are differences what tools would address the "gaps"?
Debbie • 16 years ago
Bill Johnston • 16 years ago
Dave Tish • 16 years ago
Kevin • 16 years ago
It is now 11:30 CST and I have to take my wife in for surgery.
Oh well, guess it wasn't meant to be.
Tom • 16 years ago
Rob • 16 years ago
I REALLY want to purchase through your link so I can get the bonuses. Can anyone help me out?
Best regards,
Bob • 16 years ago
gcdetective.com seems to be toast. Any ideas about when it's coming back up and how to order before it all sells out?
joe • 16 years ago
spencer McDonald • 16 years ago
Do you have anything you can tell us?
Chris • 16 years ago
Joan Stalker • 16 years ago
ron • 16 years ago
Thank You
Ron • 16 years ago
Ben Baca • 16 years ago
Jeff C. • 16 years ago
I also thought it was very odd that when I tried to find out additional information on Chris and his Google Cash product, Clickbank has disabled the product. Seems kinda shady to me. Am I missing something?
Dave Tishendorf • 16 years ago
I signed up with GCD through your link an hour or two ago and I still haven't received any communication from GCD, including a receipt, which means I can't get your bonuses yet. My ISP may blocking their emails, but I have no idea what address to whitelist. The url I am using for the GCD site -- www.gcdetective.com -- just turns into the order page. I would contact their help desk if I knew how to get to it. If you have any ideas what I should do, let me know.
Just wanted you to know what going on at this end, which is exactly nothing.
Thanks for you help.
Dave Tishendorf
Joan Stalker • 16 years ago
Simon Slade • 16 years ago
Mark Ling • 16 years ago
Mark Austin • 16 years ago
Lyndon Ricketts • 16 years ago
I had an issue with access like everyone else and although I am now a member, I don't know if the affiliate link was referred to you as I had to try differnt browsers. Can you advise please?
Also, has anyone ever heasd of the phrase 'damp squib'?
terry tracy • 16 years ago
Chris • 16 years ago
Paul Smith • 16 years ago
Came to your site through Marc and Daniel at PLRPro. They hardly ever recommend anybody else, so I thought you must be good. And your site is just fabulous.
BUT, I had joined GCD before it went public, and it's great (esp. videos by Chris and Jonathan Paul), and I can hardly get enough time for those two fabulous sites and yours too.
So, I'm not sure what I'm saying really, other than I guess I'll just have to try and really nail those two before coming back to Affilorama (which I can see is fabulous, etc. etc.). Actually, I guess I can nail this down a bit - how did you blokes manage to get things going with all these 'goodies' on show all the time?
PS I'm not racist at all - I'm perfectly willing to learn from a Kiwi.
vik • 16 years ago
Ben • 16 years ago
Here is hoping that they get this mess resolved soon,
TOM • 16 years ago
Lee • 16 years ago
tom • 16 years ago
David Merkel • 16 years ago
Am still waiting for the bonus' that you promised with aGCD sign-up.
Simon Slade • 16 years ago
1. Email support@affilorama with your GCD receipt number AND your Affilorama forum username - if you don't have one you can setup a free account at https://www.affilorama.com/register
2. We will then add the bonuses to your Affilorama account so when you log in to Affilorama at any time you can access them.
John Hjort • 16 years ago
P.S. I am daily going through GCD training video which is excellent
Gareth Smith • 16 years ago
I signed up yesterday, using your link. Received 'welcome'
email/subscribed to aweber, etc.
......... to this moment, I'm unable to login - emailed GCD about this12 hours ago -
no response!
Am I expected to receive such poor service? NO.
Please let me know what is happening.
Thank you,
Mark Davies • 16 years ago
warren • 16 years ago
Mark Ling • 16 years ago
I've seen this happen with numerous product launches, usually the first week or two are the hardest. I know he has been getting thousands of customer support emails daily during this launch and I'd say that has affected his customer support, but knowing Chris he'll be working hard on getting through all of this.
I must say I have been enjoying using the software and if you did buy it through my link, you'll see how I'm using it in my private ppc plan myself. Very handy.
Romeo Burke • 16 years ago
Le Tuan Anh • 16 years ago
View all 67 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)