The Amazon Associates Program is one of the most well-known affiliate programs out there. There are lovers and haters of this affiliate program, but truth is, if you do it right, you can rake in a pretty decent income from your Amazon sales even if you're an affiliate marketing beginner.
However, Amazon can be pretty ruthless when it comes to banning affiliates for doing the wrong thing. Often, accounts are permanently suspended, taking with them the possibility of ever being able to make money off Amazon again. Now, most people will do anything to avoid getting banned as an Amazon affiliate, but if you really want to get banned, here are some recommendations:
Don’t Read the Operating Agreement
The Associates Program Operating Agreement outlines the terms and conditions for affiliates participating in the program. The fine print? Who reads that anyway?
A surefire way to get banned is to not read this agreement and have zero idea of what is expected of you as an Amazon Affiliate. The terms are laid out in plain English and are easy to understand. Refuse to follow the guidelines set out by Amazon and you will get banned in no time at all.
Operate More than One Account
Amazon sellers are only allowed to have one account. If you’re keen to get on the banned-wagon, go ahead and create more than one. Some business owners legitimately require more than one account; they can apply to Amazon for a special exception to do so while complying with Amazon’s terms and conditions.
Put Your Affiliate Links on Third-Party Sites
As an Amazon affiliate, you must put your affiliate links only on sites that you own. However, those looking to get banned usually place their links anywhere they can, hoping to generate a few extra bucks by leaving their links in blog comments and the like. Spammy behavior is a great way to get kicked out of the program.
Pass Off Amazon Reviews as Your Own
Reviews of products on Amazon are for people to read on Amazon. When affiliates are looking to get banned, they usually copy and paste these reviews onto their sites like they were their own. You can get away with posting a product picture off Amazon on your site, but try to lift those reviews and you’re getting banned for sure.
Forget to Mention You Are an Amazon Affiliate
If you’re an Amazon affiliate and decide to hide it, you’re going to be on the fast track to getting banned. Amazon makes it very clear to affiliates that you must clearly declare your participation in the associates program on every page of your website that sells an Amazon product.
If you were to do the right thing, you’d place some text in your footer that identifies you as an Amazon affiliate and informs your audience that if they were to purchase from you, you would earn a commission. However, if you were trying to get banned, you would just leave this information out and wait for Amazon to catch up with you.
Link from Sexually Explicit and/or Violent Sites
Certain types of sites are not suitable for Amazon. If you’re trying to sell Amazon products via a site that promotes sexually explicit or violent materials, you will get banned in no time. There are a number of other no-nos on Amazon’s list as well, including sites containing defamatory materials, promoting discrimination or other illegal activities or violating the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.
For a complete list of sites that are not appropriate for Amazon and will get you banned, check out the Operating Agreement.
Promote Counterfeit Products
Selling fake Christian Louboutin shoes for a quarter of the price and hoping to make a quick buck off Amazon while you’re at it? Unlikely. You’re more likely to get banned first. If you’re promoting counterfeit products of any kind or are in violation of intellectual property rights, you are not going to be Amazon’s friend.
Auto-Tag Amazon Sessions
If a customer clicks on your product link, it generates a cookie and Amazon gives them 24 hours to complete a purchase so you can still get your commission. Some affiliates will try to take advantage of this and attempt to auto-tag users on their site to generate clicks that aren’t real so they can get commissions. These shady practices prime your site for banning.
Sometimes, even if you’re not trying to be shady, using an iframe on your site or a bad WordPress theme can get you in trouble. If you’re more inclined to avoid trouble, always download WordPress themes from trusted publishers to make sure they haven’t been tampered with, or you will risk a ban. AffiloTheme provides reliable WordPress themes that are perfect for affiliate marketing.
Buy Paid Search Placements
Amazon will pay out if you’re sending sales their way. However, if you decide to buy paid search advertisements to advertise their products without their permission, you are definitely not getting paid. If you violate this regularly, you can rest assured a ban’s coming your way. Also, if Amazon catches you out redirecting links so they lead to an Amazon product page, they'll definitely find you in violation of their Ts & Cs.
Shady practices rarely go unnoticed by Amazon, and I’m hoping most of you are here are trying NOT to get banned by them. Be sure to do the exact opposite of the get-banned advice above and you should have no problems with Amazon. For more information, check out the list of prohibited seller activities and actions.
If you're new to affiliate marketing, be sure to check out AffiloBlueprint to learn how you can make money selling other people's products. If you're wondering if Amazon is for you, Sam talks about why you should consider Amazon associates.
Are you an Amazon affiliate? We would love to know how your experience has been. Leave us a comment below with your thoughts.
Henk • 10 years ago
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
you would not be allowed to put your affiliate link on Facebook, no. What you could do is post a link to YOUR site on Facebook, inviting your fans to come check it out, and your site would have the affiliate link.
John Cyscon • 10 years ago
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
Here's a useful page that shows you exactly how to share links on Facebook, too.
Todd • 10 years ago
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
Yes, you should be able to use Adwords to drive PPC to a site of your own that has your Amazon Associates products on it.
• 9 years ago
• 10 years ago
Your post is reaally helpful to me. But recently I got email from amazon like:
"Thank you for taking the time to submit your application. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept your application. Upon review, I noticed you supplied the popular site as your registered URL. As a result of this decision, you will no longer be able to access your Amazon Associates account."
I'm just a beginner, so I don't know what is the pupular site, that site is my own. Have you ever been had the same problem like me? Give me any ideas if you can. Thanks
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
This is taken from the FAQ pages on Amazon:
All you need to join is a Web site that does not violate intellectual property rights or promote sexually explicit materials, violence, illegal activities, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
Mark • 10 years ago
Can I use URL Shortening?
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
Joseph sssssssss • 10 years ago
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
I don't know if you can download the images and upload on your own site. You should be able to just link directly to Amazon images, and as far as I can tell, that doesn't violate Amazon's ToS. I don't know about taking their images and hosting them yourself -- I would be very wary of that.
Glenda • 10 years ago
Your post is really helpful to me as I just a beginer in Amazon affiliate. I made a mistake is "Forget to Mention You Are an Amazon Affiliate", so my account was locked after I got first sale. Now I got your tips, it help me a lot now.
Really thank you.
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
I hope things have since worked out for you and that you're well on your way to making money.
Steven • 10 years ago
Really thank you. I'm a beginner with amazon affiliate. Your post help me a lot to avoid being banned by amazon when I get the first sale. Hope to get more valuable posts from your blog. Nice to meet you :D
/ Steven
Alfred McCall • 10 years ago
I am an approved amazon associate and have a site where I make commissions, I want to start another niche site, do I need to register the new site with amazon
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
I suppose that depends on whether you plan on making it an Amazon affiliate page. If you're promoting products through the Amazon Associates page you NEED to disclose that you are doing so.
Here's a link that should help:
Heinz • 10 years ago
ex. I create a and write articles promoting Amazon products..
Is it 3rd party site too?? and my blog/accounts is possible to getting banned by Amazon...??
ezz eliza • 10 years ago
I have amazon affiliate account banned . And I know that violated several rules .
So how do my account that can be restored or do I have to create a new account ?
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
A friend of mine was an Etsy seller, and her account was shut down (basically someone claimed copyright infringement when they didn't have any right to claim said copyright infringement) and so she set up a new shop, and that was shut down. Now she's banned from Etsy entirely (she can't even order things herself). Etsy apparently uses ISPs for tracking.
The takeaway: don't try to sneak around to get back in the game. It could backfire.
Anne M • 10 years ago
We currently accept only "Fan Pages," "Verified" pages and/or a YouTube "channel" in the Associates program. All other social network sites are not eligible to add Associate links, or for use to create an Associates Account.
In reviewing your website, we noticed that the URL listed on your application is a social network website. However, your site is not an approved social network or established with enough unique content and followers yet. At this time, we are unable to approve your application and have closed the account under which you had been temporarily approved.
Thank you for your interest in Associates."
I was rather surprised since I had already had 4 people buy the first book I recommended after it being on the site for 48 hrs. Maybe that's just not enough. In looking through their agreement text, I don't see anything saying that your site needs to be a certain size or have a given following. Any suggestions or experience in this?
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
It looks like either your site was based on a network that Amazon doesn't approve of, or it gauged your social media following to be too small? It also looks like the amount of content a site has created is a factor. I don't know the details of your situation so it's hard to say what caused this.
I hope you get the situation worked out! You might also try asking your question on the Affilorama forum:
ruth • 10 years ago
Melissa Johnson • 10 years ago
Without knowing the details of how you marketed your site, I really can't say. You might try contacting Amazon to see if they'll explain.
• 9 years ago
i am amazon associate i am new at the program
Melissa Johnson • 9 years ago
I don't think you would be able to advertise your Amazon link directly using PPC. However, you can use paid search to drive traffic to your own website. Some links that might help:
kivenson • 9 years ago
Is it legal under the Amazon affiliate program? It's important to mention that my website send traffic for those retailers I mentioned before depend on the visitor's item selected.
Any suggestions or experience in this?
Melissa Johnson • 9 years ago
I honestly don't know about a price-matching site. I can't find anything that suggests it's prohibited, but I can't find anything that says it's OK, either. I would dig through the agreement a bit more and look for whether you're allowed to advertise multiple affiliate programs on your website. You could also just contact Amazon and ask!
Abhilash • 8 years ago
Justin Golschneider • 8 years ago
BeLuckyinLove • 5 years ago
It is amazing how many people think they can cheat the system. They assume they are smarter than the rest of the educated folk who coded - tested and implemented the whole thing. Do not be stupid. Follow the rules and you will be OK.