Full 6 part e-course

By Affilorama Group
Full 6 part e-course


Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your emails, regarding the shift to monthly membership.

One common email I have been getting from people is that they don’t know whether or not they want to sign up for a lifetime affilorama membership yet because they haven’t finished the 6 part e-course.

As a result of this, I've decided to make the full 6 part e-course available from the following link:


In order to give people time to have a look at the 6 part e-course, I'll extend the lifetime offer for a further 24 hours.

Remember, when Affilorama does go monthly, $29.95 is still excellent value. You'll still receive the 60+ video tutorials + intriguing video interviews with internet millionaires, + traffic travis software and members support, video consultations, etc. And every month Affilorama is updated with new video interviews, video lessons, critique videos so you can learn from each other and also software and other goodies are all lined up.

I'm putting everything into this and it is an ongoing effort so you can probably understand why I have to go monthly in order to sustain the efforts required in making this a living breathing, constantly updated resource for prospective super affiliates.

All the best to all your success,

Mark Ling

ps I recently purchased a block of 20 tickets to the world internet summit - vegas 14-17 september, if anyone wants to go and learn lots about internet marketing and meet lots of gurus etc (and yes I'll be there too), then you can save a massive $600 off the retail price and get tickets to this event for $397 here: Note: Link has been removed. I don't earn a commission from this, just to let you know, I arranged these tickets to save you money if you are interested in coming. The official website is http://www.worldinternetsummit.com if you are interested in finding out more information about the event, speakers and so forth.

Romesh 19 years ago
Hey Mark, sorry I'm not going to have the money to pay for your lifetime membership but your six part course is awesome, thanks so much. I'll be a monthly member soon because I can afford that more easily. If it is as good as your 6 part course, and you keep updating it, then I'll be a member for a long time! Romesh