Hi Everyone,
I've been very sick these last few days so I apologize for not updating my blog sooner.
I'll keep this short as I'm still not that well yet.
Here is the video transcript of the beginners SEO video (which has been recently added to the members area of Affilorama, along with advanced videos and a step by step workbook is about to be added).
This is for those of you who can't afford Affilorama, it's not as easy to digest as having the video lessons plus workbook etc, and the other video lessons but it does contain a lot of valuable information that you need to know, so go get it here (now removed sorry).
If anyone wants a rebranded version with their affiliate links embedded into it, feel free to email me and I can arrange that for you.
Yes you can all give this away to others if you want to! Or offer it as a free bonus with any products, etc.
Update: I forgot to mention, I've been talking with Brett McFall, founder of the World Internet Summit (www.worldinternetsummit.com), and he has agreed to let me purchase some tickets in bulk at much lower price than what they are being sold at on the world internet summit site.
I want to do this for YOU my newsletter/blog readers, I am thinking of buying 20 tickets, which Brett says I will be able to purchase for $7940. I just want to make sure that people reading this blog will actually want them. Remember I am not going to take any affiliate commission on these, this is purely for those of you who are interested in attending and would like to save about $600 off the retail price.
The World Internet Summit will be on September 14-17 in Las Vegas, I will be there too. Anyway let me know if you are interested in going, so I know if I should bulk buy.
Alexander • 19 years ago
James • 19 years ago
Yankees • 19 years ago
Just got a quick question...
In the transcript, one thing that Marc Lindsay mentions is that 2-3 percent is a good value for keyword density. Does it really have to be that high? I've tried rewording documents to that high percentage and it seems to read funny.
What do others think?
Phil Yates • 19 years ago