Hi everyone,
Over the years I've indulged myself in reverse engineering different successful people's businesses.
Eben Pagan (A.K.A. David De Angelo), the multimillionaire owner of DoubleYourDating.com (and 9 other niche websites) is one guy that I've followed extra closely.
I've even gone to the lengths of buying several of his niche products to figure out his marketing sequences, product quality, where his upsells are, and so forth.
Here are some photos that illustrates the lengths that I go to in order to figure out what such a successful website owner does.
This strategy has paid off big time over the years and I now own several 7 figure websites.
So firstly, I want you to take away from this blog post that it is a VERY GOOD IDEA to do covert intelligence, and look at what successful people are doing. I don't mean copying their stuff, that's plagiarism. I mean look at their marketing tactics, price points, upsells, how and when do they cross sell, what are their newsletters like? And so forth.
Secondly, I'm really excited to announce that I've managed to secure Eben Pagan himself to be on a live webinar with me on Tuesday night at 9pm EDT.
This webinar is titled: The Ultimate Infoproduct Riches Webinar
In this webinar he'll be revealing many of the secrets to how he has built up 10 million dollar plus websites over the years and how you can too.
You'll learn lots of things from picking a profitable niche, to email marketing tactics, to product development, to scaling it up to a multi-million dollar business.
This webinar is free, but it is limited to the first 1000 people so make sure you register below and make sure that you set an alarm in your phone for 9pm EDT Tuesday (that's New York time), this is one webinar you won't want to miss :)
Click here to register for The Ultimate Infoproduct Riches Webinar
All the best!
Mark Ling
Clayton A Terao • 15 years ago
I'm one of Eban's DoubleYourDating affiliates and his commission% is pretty sweet!
Philippe ZAMOR • 15 years ago
Matt Greener • 15 years ago
The video says "Tuesday, July 1st" when it should be JUNE 1st....
marco harkema • 15 years ago
But when you, Mark Ling himself, say that he is the real deal, i am going to wacth this webinar!
If you record it and upload it. because 9pm EDT is for me 4AM.
Can't Wait!
Dean Peterson • 15 years ago
Resell Rights Ebook Store • 15 years ago
I would also be interested in hearing more about your findings if you have the time.
Brian Pattison • 15 years ago
your video says July 1st and not June. Just a heads up
Brian Pat
Joel • 15 years ago
Eben is very happening and very polish in his niche.
He is someone everyone is observing with great curiosity.
I am also really excited to your webinar with him.
Lani kee • 15 years ago
Curt Dalton • 15 years ago
Mark Ling • 15 years ago
@DeanPeterson: Eben is not a fake name, he uses David De Angelo as a pen name for his dating-related products at DoubleYourDating.
Dwad • 15 years ago
I only wish that 9pm EST wasn't at such an awkward time where I live! I'll try to listen in, as I'd love to hear what he has to say.
Judi • 15 years ago
Hope you will be recording this Webinar so we can hear it over and over again, too!
All the best.
Ken Leatherman • 15 years ago
Jon M • 15 years ago
Francisco Acosta • 15 years ago
Jason Acidre • 15 years ago
Clayton A Terao • 15 years ago
If he was just in it to make a quick buck, would a guy like me (former customer) be willing to become an affiliate of his? And more importantly, would thousands of Pickup Artists (PUA's) consider his work to be a cornerstone reference in their community?
Freaser • 15 years ago
Morgan McArthur • 15 years ago
Was one of his coaching members for his original monthly Guru Mastermind for almost a year.
Was paying around $500 a month and it was worth every single dollar, he then made a home study version of this coaching via DVD's a while back, which covered most of the guru coaching program.
If you are thinking of investing in his latest product called GuruBlueprint, which i presume would
cover most aspects of his 12 month coaching program plus his latest teachings and findings, go for it, as its going be a fraction of the price to what members like myself had to pay over a period of 12 months x $500, you do the math...
Plus I just saw Mark Ling offer some incredible bonuses, if at worst just give it all a try, I know
you will be well impressed.
By the way, the info that Eban covers is not just about creating your own info product, its everything from getting customers, to conversions, to creating content and how to manage a online business.
And if he offers Wake Up Productive as a bonus like he did last time, this is a killer course, one of the best productivity and self improvement programs out there, this alone he can charge over a thousand for.
Anyway thats my feedback to Eban, learn from him and judge for yourself :-)
P.S If you are an action taker, then you are already a million bucks into the making with Ebans advice.
idleme125 • 15 years ago
epic traffic systems review dude • 15 years ago
I also must commend you for going through so much to learn. With ambition like that, it is no wonder why you are doing so well.
Mork Tomhet • 15 years ago
the news today • 14 years ago
Bruce Hoag, PhD, CPsychol • 14 years ago
Maripa Maripa • 14 years ago
TROJAN • 13 years ago
He's a real talent
Mark • 13 years ago
Much appreciated :)
Tamil Young • 13 years ago
Christel • 12 years ago
Reece • 11 years ago