Hi Guys!
Just a very quick blog post to let you know that there was a massive earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand (where Affilorama's head office is) and the city centre is in a pretty bad way. It is currently on lock down and there is no power or access to our offices unfortunately.
We are all safe and well but ask you to please bare with us for the next few days while we try and get everything back to normal. There may be some slight delays in us repsonding to questions on the forum and through our support center. Please accept our apologies in advanced.
Thank you to everyone that has sent messages of support, it has been much appreciated.
Simon, Mark & The Affilorama Team
Also, here are a few photos:

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Brandon Mix • 15 years ago
Furthermore, when you said that you don't know whether you would hug your children in the doorway or if you would insist that your wife join you, speaks levels of possibly the type of person YOU are. Why wouldn't you hug your children and comfort them through a very scary ordeal or that you have your wife near you to protect them. I think this says a bit about you as a person. And if you're not prepared to have others shed some light on your own character, than you shouldn't have posted your message in the first place.
Next, let me ask you a question Eric...you claim to be a very busy person, right? Well lets just assume for a moment that you own an authoritative educational site like Affilorama (I doubt you do though) and you have thousands of subscribers (again, I doubt that you do) and you had potentially hundreds, of people and possibly thousands asking if everyone is safe and to make sure that you didn't get hurt. You talked about efficiency; do you think that anyone who is as successful as Mark would sit and write an email to every single person that sent him a worried email one at a time? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Ummm, don't you remember that there was a major earthquake in his town? Don't you think he has a much better use of his time than sitting and emailing each individual person?
So, Eric, why don't you just ask yourself this question, what would you do? I doubt that if your home town was rocked by a major earthquake or any other natural disaster, for that matter, you would sit and write out hundreds of individual emails. You would send a brief email to your entire list, and create one message for all those that care to listen and watch.
It doesn't appear that you read Mark's email message, since it in no way suggested any "commercial gain" of any sort. Shocking photos? If those are not shocking photo's, than what are they? Just photo's? I don't think so. Should he have used "crazy photo's"? Whatever Eric!
You sound like you are a man that has a bitter taste from years of poor marketing and hasn't reached the level of success that you would want to be at and this is your only way to backlash out against those that have been extremely successful and work very hard. Why don't you do a little more research on Mark Ling and what he is all about before you start making these accusations and gross distortions from the actual truth. Do a search for his name and you will see that there are over 7 million search results for his name. Have you tried your name lately?
So, the next time you decide to attack a top guru out there, maybe ask yourself some questions and really think about what you are really saying. What would you do if you were in his shoes? Given that he is extremely busy, how else was he going to communicate with his list. Did he create traffic to his site? Absolutely! What's the big deal? Was he selling anything within his message. NO! He was being a true friend and sharing his experience with his worried subscribers. Do you have a blog? What do you write on your blog? If you were in a natural disaster, would you write a blog entry that would go out to your list? I think that if you were completely honest with yourself, your answer would be a clear, YES!
Eric, if this is how you choose to spend your time attacking someone going through a disaster, you need to pick a different profession. In a world that lives and breathes on information, you completely missed the message here. If this disaster had happened in another town and he was not affected by the earthquake, then I would agree with how you are feeling. But this is clearly not the case. I hope you learn the think before your actions. Trust me, you will get a lot more respect from others. I have gained even more trust in Mark through his thoughtful and heart-felt message and have lost all respect in you. So let me ask you one last question Eric....Who ended up with the higher degree of trust and respect? I think you already know that answer.
P.S. @markling I am very sorry you had to read that message Eric wrote. My Dad always told me to respect those with honesty, integrity and good intentions. You clearly share those characteristics. Thank you very much for your message and I'm glad that everyone is ok. :-)
Sharon Smith • 15 years ago
Can I just say that I am on your list. I chose to click through to the blog.
Am I some misguided fool who clicks blindly following what Mark Ling says? I think not!
I am also on Ewen Chia's, Mike Filsaime's, Gabor Olah's, Potpiegirl's, Travis Sago's ( etc ad nauseum) lists. I do not blindly click their links either.
The earthquake in Christchurch and attachment to people we perceive we know, is the reason the link was clicked.
I personally am glad Mark, his family and the whole of the Affilorama team were not injured. I was pleased to hear from Mark and don't care whether Eric thinks it was self serving. Eric is a person who has done WAY TOO MUCH IM. He seems to believe that everyone is self serving, perhaps his jaded opinion relates to what he would do given the same situation.
Adrienne Hew • 15 years ago
Kerwin • 15 years ago
Glad everything is O.K. with you and the family. Amazed at the devastation and thank you for sharing. Hopefully the repair process will be swift.
Kathaleen Dunford • 15 years ago
It's a true shame that in your quiet time you totally destroyed your nice guy reputation.
@ AffiliateRiches - well said!!!!
Anita • 15 years ago
Carolyn Caffey • 15 years ago
• 15 years ago
gilesy • 15 years ago
Hamzeh Hamdi Al • 15 years ago
i have this cousin who lives in Christchurch , he was @ a Mosque when this happened , he told us that he felt nothing , he prayed and went out to find the catastrophe as it is !
P.S : me and my cousin are Muslims :)
dave • 15 years ago
Virginia Perl • 15 years ago
You wrote, "Eric, if this is how you choose to spend your time attacking someone going through a disaster, you need to pick a different profession."
Maybe he'd make a good undertaker.
Enough said! Back to my lessons! :-)
Danielle Bernier • 15 years ago
You said it Mark, when it comes to Mother Nature's acts it does'nt matter who you are
or what you do, what's important is how wise and strong you become in these situations.
Courage to you all and remember during the rought times, that , *This to, will pass !*
Ian Garratt • 15 years ago
Gauher • 15 years ago
Joanna Enloe • 15 years ago
bless you, stay safe, j
Karuna • 15 years ago
Raymond Ooi Chin Seng • 15 years ago
Angela • 15 years ago
rebecca & colin • 15 years ago
Darryl Hudson • 15 years ago
Darryl Hudson • 15 years ago
Darryl Hudson
• 15 years ago
sonya ash pryor • 15 years ago
familyventure • 15 years ago
I can only imagine how terrible it must be to hold your family together in the pitch dark and try to keep them safe during an Earthquake. I pray for everyone affected by this event.
I am glad that you and as it seems everyone in the area are alive and picking up the pieces. My family and church will keep you all in our prayers that God's grace will carry you through this trying time.
Thank you for sending us this message to let us know that you guys are ok.
James Hess
Rik • 15 years ago
Hey Mark,
This quake was massive. I was in the one in Mexico City and know how bad a quake can be. It is good to know that a Higher Force protected you and your family. May your hometown recover fast.
• 15 years ago
mario alexandre • 15 years ago
I just listened to and watched the damages
shown on your video and it's a devastating
II am very sorry about what happened in your
hometown of Christchurch and at the same
time, what a great rrelief to learn that you and
your family are doing ok!
Yours friendly, Mario Alexandre from Orlando, FL
[email protected]
Kim • 15 years ago
Werner Andersen • 15 years ago
Henry • 15 years ago
Christopher Jacques • 15 years ago
We in the North Island are fealing for you all with what you are going through with the earthquake and all the after shocks. If there is anything I can do to help with your Business until Christchurch gets back on its feet please don't hesitate to ask.
Erana • 15 years ago
The thing that struck me about this quake was the sheer violence of it and the noise it created and the devastation it wrought on buildings. According to geologist , this was because it was so close to the surface, ranging from 5 to 30k in depth. I live west of Christchurch, about 15k from the epicentre and my house suffered very little visual damage ( structural damage unknown as yet ) From viewing the map of the quakes and aftershocks, my house seems to be situated right on the fault line because when the quake and it s aftershocks hit, the hits were dead on the area where my house stands.
The miracle is, my daughter and I are still alive and my house is still standing...only the brick chimney and subsequent damage from its collapse is evident..
The mystery is, where the quake did the most damage, in the eastern suburbs of Christchurch...about 70k from the epicentre and Christchurch City itself...about 50k from epicentre is really difficult to understand. The explaination given was the different types of surfaces that the houses were built on. Where mine and others around me are built on riverbed, the eastern suburbs are built on sandy surfaces. What is even more frightening, Christchurch people have been warned for the last 5 years to prepare for the biggest earthquake that this country will ever experience but we were told it would be from a faultline along the Southern Alps, AND THIS WAS NOT IT. We had two earthquakes and they came from two different faultlines and according to geologist...they were faultlines that they didn't even know existed until now, and not only that, there are many more that have come to light. In the meantime, the big quake we were warned to prepare for is still hanging over our heads. jUST HAD ANOTHER AFTERSHOCK.
Owen Shackleton • 15 years ago
Tim • 15 years ago
david mcdonald • 15 years ago
adnan zia • 15 years ago
it is very sad news to me, when i heard recent earthquake jolts the country, i feel sorry to losses, and massive destruction, may god give them patience to overcome that difficult time, ..........its my dream to visit Newzealand . when i come here next year, i will found public happy and get busy state?? i mean forget the bad & see + prospect
Wendy Leung • 15 years ago
Naomi Anderson • 15 years ago
Wishing everyone over there the very best - you live in such a beautiful part of the world and hopefully the scarring will soon be gone
John Messmer • 15 years ago
Sometimes it takes major events like this to realize how much we all can mean to each other. Mark, you and your staff along with all your families mean so much to all of us, which is certainly reflected in all the comments here.
I was born and raised in Seattle Washington and I have been through a few quakes myself to include one similar in size to what you just experienced. The power of nature is truly awesome, but even more so, is the power of our Awesome God who created it all! May the Lord continue to guide and protect you, your staff, all your families, and all those in and around the beautiful city of Christchurch New Zealand.
- John Messmer, Reno NV
John Strebel • 15 years ago
Thank God You, Your Wife and Child, and your Staff are all OK. Best of Luck with the cleanup operation. It must be a massive undertaking.
Best Regards,
Geraint Cetazos • 14 years ago
Joy Heartwell • 14 years ago
I just joined Affilorama and found this news. I'm glad you and your family are okay. My heart goes out to other people in New Zealand. May God be with them on this tragic event.
cready5665 • 14 years ago
It looks bad in other ereas. I hear New Zealand is a lovely place to live. God bless. See you on the flip side, and thanks for the video.
• 14 years ago
Im happy to hear that you and your family are all safe and your home was spared major damage. I had'nt heard about this until I read your post here.
We re praying for you guys here in California.
thanks for the video, pretty shocking.
Roderick • 14 years ago
i am glad to hear yourself and the family are safe and well. thanks for the sharing the video.
Kay Nang • 14 years ago
Sorry to know about the earthquake, but glad that you and your family are okay. Thanks for
your video that you shared.
Joanna Enloe • 14 years ago
Joanna Enloe • 14 years ago
Aubrey Sands • 13 years ago
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