Announcing: The release of Traffic Travis 4

By Haden de Boer
Announcing: The release of Traffic Travis 4


Hi guys, if you haven't heard already we're getting ready to release the all new v4.0 of Traffic Travis on Monday the 2nd of May.

Version 4.0 replaces the professional version of Traffic Travis that we've come to know and love. It includes key improvements such as:

  • Keyword research - more accurate results, more detailed data
  • Ability to search for domain name availability for multiple keywords from within the software.
  • More detailed analysis of SEO competition. Know just how much effort it will take to rank for any keyword.
  • Compare backlinks among multiple websites at once.
  • Find the best sites to get links from, plus how much 'link juice' they'll pass on.
  • Powerful AdSense analysis, to find overlooked traffic goldmines.
  • Easier AdWords analysis.
  • 'Mysite' feature, which makes checking on-page factors as simple as A-B-C.
  • Plus much more 'behind the scenes' stuff that will provide you with more accurate and reliable data.

As part of the pre-launch Mark has put together a fantastic report titled "The Top 7 Ways To Drive FLOODS Of Traffic To Your Website". This is a 71 page pdf book with top tips on driving traffic using 7 completely different approaches.

As students of Affilorama you might be familiar with a couple of the tactics covered, but there are others that you most likely haven't heard much about.

Click here to be taken to the launch-blog where you can download your copy. You also have the option of watching the video version of the book if you prefer. It's 90 minutes long and packed with content.

If for some reason you don't have Traffic Travis yet, you can also go here to get yourself the free edition of version 3 to check out.

And while you're at it, make sure to go in the draw to win yourself a copy of v4.0 plus a 1-year membership to Affilorama Premium.

Robert Fernicola 14 years ago
what if we already have the premium version do we still have to purchase the upgrade
Joan Stalker 14 years ago
It sounds amazing! Looking forward to Mark's latest "baby".
Renee Ray 14 years ago
Traffic Travis is a great tool especially for keyword search. I'm sure the new version has even better functionalities that make keyword search much easier and accurate.

Kenya Wedding Gowns
yougpeter 14 years ago
this is great program :)
frank lusk 14 years ago
Hi Customer service:

Regarding article writing, is the rule of thumb still the same, 1% article density or has it changed? I will await your response.
Lee Johnny 14 years ago
Will there be a free upgrade for Traffic Travis v3 Pro user? Or if there is any upgrade available.
Theo Taoushiani 14 years ago
Well it's May 2nd where is TT 4 ?
I own TT3 Pro and was promised a link to "special discount" for current Pro Version owners?
Whats up guys?
Richard 14 years ago
I have TT Pro V3, and I want to know if we get the upgrade at a reduced rate compared to everyone else? So far, I can see no information related to current Professional V3 users. I'd like to think we can get a little loyalty bonus and get a reduced rate..
Mark Ling 14 years ago
@Johnny and Theo: I emailed out the discount link for paid 'v3 Pro users only':

Please note that this is for paid v3 pro users only. This discount link will not supply you with a valid upgrade registration code if you received v3 for free through any promotions or as a bonus.

Kind regards,

Mark Ling
Theo Taoushiani 14 years ago
Cheers Mark
Thats what i was looking for.
eric 14 years ago

does traffic travis offer a dofollow link option?
Barry Fenner 14 years ago
Hi Mark I do have TT but cant remeber if was paid or a bunus etc. Could you tekll me how I check please...

BTW do you know Kaiapoi? that is my home town. Livimg in UK ATM
Leeann Crawford 14 years ago
Hi Mark,

I own the Pro v3.2 and am considering purchasing the v4. Thanks for all your hard work.

My question is...I would like to access "The Top 7 Ways To Drive FLOODS Of Traffic To Your Website". This is a 71 page pdf book with top tips on driving traffic using 7 completely different approaches.

When I click the link above I am just taken to your sales page for v4. Is there a link that I can use to still access your pdf report.

Thank you.

Joshua Siaw 14 years ago
@leeann unfortunately, the ebook you're looking for was only available for download before the release of TT4.

For those who are interested in purchasing TT4, I've just done a pretty extensive review on it that you can check out here -

onsubie 14 years ago

@leeann: You can still find the book on the Blog

Chantal 14 years ago
Few questions:
1. Is V3 Professional now obsolete? Will there be continued updates and support for this product?

2. What happened to the V4 discount link for V3 Professional paid users?

3. Will V4 replace V3 on the computer, or will they run as two separate programmes?

Thanks! :)
Chua Wen Ching 14 years ago
Hi Mark,

I also had the paid professional version of TT3. How can I upgrade to TT4?

The link here can't seem to work to me?

Any help? Thanks.
michellerana 14 years ago
Hi Wenching,

Please email [email protected] and I'll give you the link for existing TTV3 pro users.

paulie69 13 years ago
I'm desperately trying to have faith in TT4 after being a TT3 user for so long. It's quite obvious that TT4 should still be in beta status; it has a lot of bugs not to mention numerous typo's and spelling mistakes. You may not think this means much but to have so many spelling mistakes but this kind of thing simply does not instill faith (I am an ex-programmer so I can relate to this). It also lists contradictory information it's it's reports and some reporting is just plain innacurate.. I was contemplating paying the $97 for the pro version but it's justnot worth it given all of it's issues and floors. It's only beta software guys. It's no where near final release stage but we're being asked to pay $97 for it.
Steve Hippel 13 years ago
I used Traffic Travis 3 for years and loved it. Now using Traffic Travis 4 and love it even more. Still subscribed to the TT mailing list because I get some outstanding information from it.