AffiloTheme updated!

By Jonathan Love
AffiloTheme updated!


Hello all,

We've just released a bugfix release of AffiloTheme, available to you now!

Here's what's changed:

  • Fixed a few style issues related to the header images
  • Any new site on AffiloTheme Hosting will now use WordPress 3.5.1 by default.
  • Posts using photos from an external website would show a placeholder featured image on the post archive. Now the archive won't show a placeholder or resized feature image [resized feature images from remote websites are disabled for security reasons]

This week we're also performing some upgrades to the AffiloTheme hosting; once it's done, you should see some decent speed improvements on your website. We're trying to keep downtime to a minimum, but if you find your website unavailable some time in the next 12 hours, just wait about 20 minutes, then try again.

This will probably be the last AffiloTheme release for the next two months (except for urgent bugfixes); we're gearing up internally to add some major integration with Jetpack (hint: auto-import... oh how I wish I could tell you more!) 

If you do encounter any issues with AffiloTheme, either on our hosting or your own, please contact customer support. They're always eager to help you out.


In the meantime, get the WordPress theme that's been designed specifically to make your affiliate marketing easier by wowing your visitors, impressing Google, and helping you build your list, fast! Click here to get AffiloTheme today!

Lianne Cullen 12 years ago
Good advise
Brian Wright 12 years ago
Each time I upgrade to the new update changes my customizations and gives me the following message...
"Latest AffiloTheme has been installed successfully.
There is a new version of AffiloTheme available. View version 4.0.1772 details or update automatically."

I view the new version details and it's not available. The current version remains 4.0.1764.

Will it ever be possible to do updates without losing all my customizations? I'm hesitant to continue with this theme because of these changes.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Jonathan Love 12 years ago

Unfortunately that's a problem inherent to the way WordPress updates things (it needs to completely uninstall AffiloTheme and its settings, then install the new version). While we are investigating a way to retain settings, it's not currently a high priority.

There are a couple of options:
- Use FTP to upload the contents of the update in the way you do when you first install. This will ensure the theme isn't uninstalled, just updated, but it may mean you get leftover files if we remove certain files in future updates.
- Export your theme settings, then reimport after you update; this should retain 90% of your settings.
- Use our shared hosting (seriously)

I also recommend providing feedback on the Affilorama feedback page ( about the 'losing customizations' issue, so we can see how many other customers consider this a priority fix.

Hope this helps!
Michael Amato 12 years ago
Since the recent update 8/2013 the Featured Image is slapped at the top of all my posts. I already have my image formatted and embedded in my posts.

But if I remove the Featured Image, I don't get thumbnails on my category page.

This is not right. How do I keep thumbnails, and turn off the Featured Image on my posts - like I could for the past year + prior to this update?

See what I mean here:

Category page with thumbnails (good):

But click on a post and get this (not good):

Please help.

Thank you,
