Hi Everyone,
A few weeks ago I flew out to Las Vegas to attend Affiliate Summit.
I personally got a lot out of the event because I managed to meet more than 20 people who are making 7 to 8 figures a year online.
What I wanted to do in this particular blog post was simply to mention the top 3 takeaways that I got out of the event...
1. All the super affiliates that I met (7 and 8 figure affiliates) made over 80% of their income from just 1 or 2 niches. These niches varied across affiliates but the theme was the same, super affiliates got to know a niche extremely well and then promoted aggressively using several forms of paid advertising (google ppc, google content, yahoo ppc, yahoo content, msn, natural seo, media buys, pay per view and so forth). Not many did a lot of natural search engine optimization.
Examples of the niches they focussed on include: weight loss, muscle gain, make money online, forex, satellite tv on pc software, anti spyware/adware software, make money (general bizopp), and self help niches.
That's not to say that other affiliates weren't doing well in other niches, but those are the main niches that were mentioned to me by ones who were doing 7 to 8 figures a year.
2. Health and fitness is the biggest niche in virtually every single affiliate network. I spoke to senior staff at a lot of the various networks and most of them said that weight loss and other fitness related offers were the ones that were doing the best for them. The next closest niche was 'make money' market.
3. When done correctly video salescopy vastly outperforms long salescopy format, however it has the potential to backfire so this needs to be tested closely. I will be running my own tests soon (starting in the save marriage niche). Apparently not including a fast forward button on the video salescopy greatly increases sales (again I will need to test this). I'm interested in testing this kind of thing out with affiliate videos. You don't need to be in the video, most of these videos are voiced over with slides.
I hope you enjoy this post, I'm interested in your comments.
All the best,
Affiliate Summit Lessons Learned
By Mark Ling

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View all 88 comments (Currently displaying latest 50)
Nick • 15 years ago
Shawna Slater • 15 years ago
Very helpful in giving us the "skinny" on all your long hours. THANKS!
Karen Sielski • 15 years ago
Gordon • 15 years ago
good work
Chris • 15 years ago
Personally, I hate it when I can't forward. I usually watch the videos the same way I read sales letters, randomly at first, then line by line if enough jumps out at me.
Jess • 15 years ago
mint88 • 15 years ago
Paula Shelton • 15 years ago
Affiliate marketing is a great and fair way to make money while sharing knowledge online. Get paid for results and pay only for results. But the system is so open to '...and there's more, you too can be as rich as me...you must read on through this tedious drivel to find out the real single and only answer...don't expect any emails from me unless it's important, but I'll have something important to email you about every day for ever...' abuse, that most people distrust it. Not surprising really.
AffiliatesTag • 15 years ago
Keith • 15 years ago
Personally, those who force you to watch the whole video to get their inevitable sales pitch are disrespectful of my time and anytime one is offered, in most cases I will immediately delete them and quite possibly unsubscribe as well. I hate those things, and too they often start out so slow and drone on. Just get to the point. Just say no to these types of videos. It may work at first, but the backlash will come.
While I am at it I will also say the same for anyone who uses 3-4 exit pop ups They're gone.
Jesus • 15 years ago
There is also a misconception with video and you make a very important point. In order to make a good video you don't have to appear in it, a good slideshow with some very well explained bullet points will do!!
Ramesh Rathinam • 15 years ago
Ken • 15 years ago
tomp • 15 years ago
Emi • 15 years ago
I know I am the average of the 5 people I spend time with the most. If I want to be doing well at internet marketing, I would need to spend time with other people who are doing well online. When attending these conferences, how do I go about finding people who are the ones who are doing well online like you did? I networked with many people, but did you go to Affiliate Summit knowing of these people beforehand to meet them at the at the conference? You said you met 20 people who were making 7-8 figure incomes at Affiliate Summit. How did you happen to meet them and how would you suggest one goes about meeting these people when attending conferences like this?
Annie • 15 years ago
PandaMarketer • 15 years ago
aka PandaMarketer on twitter
chandrasekaran rajamani • 15 years ago
Your inputs are are very helpful.As for me I have a slow internet connection in which videos load slowly and it becomes a torture to watch videos so most of the time I hit the back button and do not watch the video.I am sure that there are many people out there who have a slow internet connection and feel the same.
Dean Peterson • 15 years ago
Ana • 15 years ago
Made Suparta • 15 years ago
mike garrison • 15 years ago
Test long versus short, salesy versusi nformative,male versus female.
in short, if you would supply us with your testing guidlines, i think that would, help us the most.
Also, maybe some resources for video production.
Jason • 15 years ago
Bill • 15 years ago
Rick Samara • 15 years ago
I was a little surprised that 'people search' was not mentioned as a niche. Seems to me that a whole 'cottage' industry has sprung up out of public information.
Again, many thanks for the quick insight!
Fransisco Brevoort • 15 years ago
Ricardo • 15 years ago
Troy • 15 years ago
The only thing I have a bit of a problem with is videos with no forward button, It just eeks me...lol
william eckard • 15 years ago
Two things come to mind. Firstly, like all business, start at the bottom with a low budget (natural ranking), make some money and plough back the money into your business. (PPC and more). I am willing to take a bet that these 8 figure earners' PPC expenses are all 6 or 7 figures, or am I wrong?
Secondly it makes sense that PPC gives them better results. Why would Google allow a natural ranker to make more money than one of their paying customers? Surely they have it sorted in their measurement and ranking criteria, or else PPC would have been long gone?
It will be interesting to see some feedback on your research and once again I got some insider information from Affilorama. Thanks Mark.
Andrew H. (cherrytree) • 15 years ago
Gregory Hyne • 15 years ago
Bronnamdi • 15 years ago
Glad to know that even the gurus are also doing the same. In time, I hope that my income will be as large as theirs.
Ming Jong • 15 years ago
It is great to know that what are the successful affiliate marketer are doing/not doing.
Ming Jong
mike bebbington • 15 years ago
Viola • 15 years ago
My niche is weightloss and health for the over 40 crowd because of my background and because this is my struggle and focus personally so I thought I combine this with IM and see if I can actually make some money while I am improving my own health..
So far, sad to say, other then some nice comments left on my blog I haven't gotten anywhere. But I know this is just a start and I keep on going.
Dan DeLuca • 15 years ago
Graham in UK • 15 years ago
Well it just confirms what we all know already doesn't it?
The big boys can afford to use PPC and make loads of money
The rest of us use SEO because we can't afford PPC!
The more advanced are using video which has got to be the way to go
the rest of us are trying to learn about video!
Everything is easy.... when you know how!
Graham in UK
Brian Mcandy • 15 years ago
MAX TURNER • 15 years ago
Regards Max Australia
NETFORCE10.COM • 15 years ago
Very interesting post, specially that they make all their money solely from 1 or 2 niches.
I am very interested in getting more info anout the video sales copy, because indeed it has a lot of viral potential. Also interesting is that they are hardly doing any SEO, but pure PPC...
While I have been working for 3 years on my own SEO program, called NETFORCE10, that will be finally ready by 01 of March 2010.
Hahaahahhaha. Life can be hard!
Thanks Mark!
Without any doubt, AFFILORAMA is the best Internet Marketing Information site on the web.
Chris McNeil • 15 years ago
bob orbea • 15 years ago
jimtsa • 15 years ago
I think readers are smarter than you think and they dont wish to waste their time to watch a video that doesn't give them the time duration.
John • 15 years ago
plr articles
Dish Network Cleveland • 15 years ago
several contradictions I've heard
john • 15 years ago
Dish Network City of Industry • 15 years ago
many contradictions I've read
andyw • 15 years ago
Wishes your valentine day to be joyful!
john doyle • 15 years ago
AS a newbie i appreciate the articles. You tend to clarify my thinking.
Thanks, johndes
Dish Network Salinas • 15 years ago
many misnomers I've read
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