Affiliate Secrets Video

By Mark Ling
Affiliate Secrets Video


I've got some very exciting news. I've just finished recording a live video webinar with Anik Singal from Affiliate Classroom.

Over the years he has built up an 8 figure business online, so if you are truly serious about your success online then I strongly recommend that you watch this video as soon as you can.

Anik covered fantastic strategies for making money from affiliate programs including several conversion and traffic generation strategies that I can't wait to start using myself.

Click Here to watch the recording of this amazing Affiliate Secrets video


In other news, after 2 years of development, Affiliate Classroom 2.0 launches today at 12pm EST. It might well have launched by the time you are reading this blog post.

What's even better news is that I have an exclusive $8817 bonus
package for the first 200 people to join through my link.

You are not going to want to miss what is inside this package, to
find out all the details go here:

Affiliate Classroom + $8817 Bonus Package Details


All the best to your continued success!


Mrs. James 16 years ago
Will Affiliate Secrets Live Webinar be taped so we can watch it later? Im an hour short of being able to tune in!!!

Sean Morrissy 16 years ago
Sounds good Mark, I'll try to get on it. An 8 figure business is something I'd like to learn how to build :)

Have fun,
Simon Slade 16 years ago
I'll be on the call, see you then :)
Jeremy Lawson 16 years ago
Sounds great! Can't wait to listen in. Thanks!
Moira Anthony 15 years ago
It was great and if you missed it well its well worth listening to. Thanks Mark
touristdrive 15 years ago
Great seminar. I could not watch until the end so the recorded version will be helpful.
It seems the link to the free report on article marketing (removed broken link) is not working for me. Can we know where we can download that report? Thanks
Adrian 15 years ago
Hi Mark,

I had the opportunity to sign on to the webinar but I was also watching my kids at the same time so didn't get a chance to watch the webinar fully. I am very happy that you have it recorded. I just wished I can stop time so that I don't stay up until 2AM every morning learning ;-)

I also watched your bonus video and it sounds great however, if I have not complete the affiloblueprint course would it be advisable to start another course?

Mudassar Zafar Bhatti 15 years ago

1. Content is King

The quality of the posts you write is the single most important factor when it comes to Search Optimization on a Blog. I suspect others will argue differently but as I look at my own blogs success in the search engines I’d say that this has been the number one factor.

Quality content that helps people will quite often draw a reader to want to share what they’ve written - of course they do this by passing on the link to your post and often they’ll do it in a way that helps your search rankings (on their own blog for example).
yony lastreto 15 years ago
hi mi freind is go
Jeff C. 15 years ago
Hi Mark,

I have the same question/concern as Adrian... if we are already signed up with AffiloBlueprint, should we even consider adding anything else to our plate especially at $97/mo minimum? Thanks!

- Jeff
Moira Anthony 15 years ago
Yeah I agree apart from the confusion trying to follow two programs would be difficult timewise. Thanks Mark for brining it to our attention and its great to know it has your approval but I am with the other you offrer more than what I need. I do need to be honest whether this is ethical or not I always sign up for $1.00 or so trials as this gives me access to the bonuses mark puts out which is always great value and I also get a glimpse of what the other progammes offer and often there is a little bit that I think I can use later.

Michael Thai 15 years ago

Does anyone know that after the $1 10 day trial is over, will i be charged $97 automatically? If yes how do i cancel it?
Chris Yong 15 years ago
To Jeff and Adrian,
One of the hardest things I face as I currently go through my AffiloBlueprint course is the constant distractions that pop up all the time, I'm still on a few lists and there has been a lot of promotion for Affiliate Classroom 2.0, I'm sure it's a very good product.

It is always super tempting to need more information, to find that extra strategy, to spend just a little bit more money finding that magic bullet but then I realise I haven't fully utilised everything in AffiloBlueprint just yet!

I just have to keep telling myself to stay focused on AffiloBlueprint and follow its proven plan. It's honestly quite a test of will to NOT enroll in anything else.

My 2 cents.

- Chris
Mark Ling 15 years ago
Hi Adrian & Jeff,

What I recommend you do is you follow what you learn in AffiloBlueprint and Affilorama Premium first. Then when you are ready to take on new information then you might want to invest in Affiliate Classroom too in order to gain more knowledge from another super affiliate.

You have to look at these different training programs like books, while there is sometimes crossover of information, each book is unique and each author has his own experience and advice to give. Some people are capable of taking multiple courses and combining them into a super strategy. Others get confused by doing this and are better off sticking to one program and mastering it before moving on to any others.

What we do is we get experts on live for webinars and give as much valuable content as I can. Some people are ready to buy the product being offered and others aren't. You have to look at what is best for the stage in your internet marketing career that you are at. Do you have time to implement what you learn? Or will you put it aside for a few months before even having time? Do you have time to implement what you learned in the webinar yet?

I hope this helps, if you are unsure, just take the advice you learned in the webinar and implement that first, make money, then join Affiliate Classroom later when they reopen their doors (I'm not sure if they are closing them or not, but usually most products close shortly after launch to take care of the initial rush of customers, only to reopen a few months later).

All the best,
Kishore Dharmarajan 15 years ago
Hi Mark,

I had joined the Affilorama Blueprint course in June and created atleast 10 blogs as per the instructions. Then I got distracted by other interesting products and dropped building blogs. Today, I opened my clickbank acount and LOL, I've made SALES FROM MY EARLIER BLOGS that I had discarded.

So the Affilorama Blueprint DOES work and I am back to building highly optimised blogs. Hope this info helps new people who have joined the course and are wondering whether when they'll see sales.

Kishore Dharmarajan
Lynda Nicholson 15 years ago

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I am new to affiliate marketing and actually found this site while researching Maverick Money Makers, with a view to joining their club. This one is cheaper! However, I am deadly serious about making money online, so I'm not here just for fun. Hope to be able to report good news soon,

Lynda Nicholson
Patrick Otto 15 years ago
Wow i now i am really late posting to this blog but i have been busy building websites and getting them ranking in Google. I haven't posted here in a while because i have been going through and applying Commission Ritual it works Great! Anyway during the webinar Anik Singal mentions some free videos in which he goes over how to preview World of Warcraft and makes him $360,000 a year from doing it. And I was wondering where to I go to find those videos. I tried the Link but that just takes you to the sales page. So can someone please give me the link to the Free videos thanks