Affiliate Marketing Niche Idea: Time Management

By Cecille Loorluis
Affiliate Marketing Niche Idea: Time Management


I'm back with this week's niche idea and I have chosen to highlight a sub-niche of the self-help niche: Time Management. It was not easy for me to pick this niche, because I personally am not into self-help, but I was browsing about how to better manage time a few days ago and thought to myself: How many others out there are looking for the same tips I am? So I put aside some time (no pun intended!) to look into it and found that time management affiliate programs can be worth any affiliate marketer's time.

Time Management: Is there really such a niche?

Yes, there is. Because improving one's self is knowing how to maximize your time.

Evergreen niches like weight loss, self-help and skincare tend to be major industries. According to Wikipedia, the self-help niche is an $11 billion industry in the US market alone. This does not necessarily mean you will earn a lot from the niche, but it does let you know the self-help industry is growing and that there is potential to earn from the niche.

The self-help niche is huge with several sub-niches under it like dating, marriage and relationships, self-esteem, personal finance, success and time management. Stress management, including curing anxiety disorders, is part of the self-help niche. In a niche this big and diverse, it's important to focus on only one sub-niche for your site. It will be easier to search for target keywords if you're building a list for a particular sub-niche. It's easier to get organized as well.

Dating, marriage and relationships, and stress management/curing anxiety are lucrative self-help sub-niches. There are a lot of good products in them that you can promote, like The Tao of Badass, Magic of Making Up, and Panic Away. You can choose any of these sub-niches but as I mentioned earlier, I'm going with time management. It's a little less popular than the other self-help sub-niches, but there's a demand for it. After all, we're all leading busy lives and can't seem to find enough time to do everything we need to.

Now let's see how big the demand is for time management products.

"Key"-words related to Time Management

It's all good until you start tracking time.

I went into Traffic Travis and entered "time management." The keyword variations with the highest monthly search values came up:



I like to see the big picture and so I go into Affilotools and it is pretty much the same thing:

Time Management Keyword Search Results - Affilotools


It looks like the keyword "time management" and its variations are good information keywords to target. It's the "time tracker" and "productivity tools" that will be challenging to target because they have high competition which is expected since these are tools and apps that people will pay to get.

It's always good to have options though so I went to Ubersuggest to look into other variations of my target keyword: 


Time Management


Time Management Affiliate Programs

Like time itself, there doesn't seem to be a lot of affiliate programs on it.

There used to be time affiliate programs on ClickBank like these two you see here, but they are no more:

Clickbank Product 1
Clickbank Product 2

If you are unable to find any good ones on ClickBank, or in this case can't find one at all, then check out other networks like ShareASale and Commission Junction. You can also go into Google and use your target keywords to look for products. I did just that and came across these:

Brian Tracy International - Time Management Affiliate Programs

1. Brian Tracy International

Brian Tracy is a well-known Keynote speaker and personal development coach. His courses cover the usual self-help topics on how to improve yourself, be better, be successful, etc. What does he or his courses have to do with time management?

Well… a lot.

His courses touch on time management as part of developing one’s self. Better time management means greater productivity means a better you at the end of the day.

How much can I make?
The commission varies for each program, but the base commission listed on Commission Junction is 20%.

How do I apply?
Check out the Brian Tracy International affiliate page for more information.

Time Management Secrets - Time Management Affiliate Programs

2. Time Management Secrets

Time Management Secrets has a convincing sales page. Its website doesn’t look like much, but it does a good job of touching on the emotional aspect of not having enough time. They have courses on how to manage time better that are available in digital and physical formats.

How much can I make?
US$40 for each sale of the downloadable course. US$60 commission for the DVD, and a whopping US$400 commission if you’re able to sell to a large company.

How do I apply?
They have a pretty good affiliate page. You can also send them an email, or check them out through e-Junkie. - Time Management Affiliate Programs

3. Amazon

If no viable affiliate program can be found for your niche, then head on to They have a wide range of books, both digital and physical, on time management.

How much can I make?
4.50% commission on sale of books. It’s not a lot, but consider that has a wide selection of products in a variety of categories. That visitor who clicked on your link for a time management eBook on Amazon might end up buying several other different items which gives you a bigger payout.

How do I apply?
You can sign up on the affiliate page.

Promoting Time Management Products

A good strategy combined with effort increases your website's prominence over time.

Link building is a way to promote your site. It can be very time consuming and frustrating, which is why you need to map out a link-building strategy during the early stages of site creation. Right after picking out the products, consider how you'll go about building links to your site and getting traffic to it.

Forum and Blog Participation

I mentioned that I got into time management because I was looking for tips on how to better manage my time. During the course of my research, I found some good blogs that I follow and participate in, like the Time Management Ninja, as well as forums like Toodledo.

The important thing to remember when participating in forums and blogs is that you're not just participating for the backlink or the traffic. Aim to build relationships by providing valuable, helpful info. 

Social Media

I think this particular method applies to any site in any niche simply because social media sites are big and have regular followings. The key to marketing through social media networks like Facebook is to gain a following as well as "Likes" (or their equivalent), and to do that, you need to share, share, share. It doesn't have to just be content from your site. It can be a short, funny comic strip showing what happens if we don't know how to manage time, or an infographic of how one can jumpstart their time management skills. Always keep in mind the content needs to be "shareable." 

Content Strategy / Content Marketing 

This is not about submitting articles to various directories. This is about managing the content on your site and making sure you are providing your visitors high-quality, informative content on a regular basis. One thing I can do within my niche is content curating, meaning I rank and review the top 10 sites on time management (good opportunity for link baiting as well!). This particular method helps you create shareable content for your site and your social media marketing efforts. 

Is the Time Management Niche Worth the Time? 

It's got potential, but it can bring you a lot more if mixed with other self-help products.

 Brian Tracy International - Time Management Affiliate Programs Time Management Secrets - Time Management Affiliate Programs - Time Management Affiliate Programs
starts at US$40

A lot of you are probably asking the same question. The answer depends on you, and what interests you. Picking a niche is not just going for what you're into or what will get you the biggest income. There has to be a good balance between your interest and the earning potential.

In the case of the time management niche, though, it's more about going after what I am interested in and less about how much I can earn off it. There are more lucrative sub-niches in the self-help niche where I can earn more, but I am in it for the knowledge. It's just a bonus that I can make a bit of money while I improve my time management skills. If you have a similar mindset, then creating a site on time management won't be a waste of time for you, either.

Keep in mind that better time management is just one part of developing yourself. This means that you can start off with just time management products on your website, and then add general self-help products over time. Or, if you have a website on self-help, or are thinking of building one, then add one or two of the products listed here to give your website a bit more variety for your visitors.

I hope you liked my niche of the week and gained a few insights into how to go about selecting your niche and keywords. Be sure to leave me a comment and share my post! If you are looking for step-by-step training on creating an affiliate site from scratch, including in-depth lessons on keyword research and niche selection, then check out AffiloBlueprint.

11 years ago
Great post Cecille, who doesn't need time management? We all could use a little help managing our time from busy moms to entrepreneurs, everyone wants to save time, it's our most precious resource, and we can't get it back once spent. Definitely seems like a good niche to capitalize on.
Cecille Loorluis 11 years ago
Hi Andrew,

Thanks! I think there's potential to earn in this niche, but the commission won't be as much as promoting weight loss or dating/relationship products.

It's good to know, though, that there are affiliate programs for niches that we are interested in. :)

Have a great weekend!
Troy Brown 11 years ago
Great Article! Time management is market that caters to everyone, so I guess promoting Time Management only makes sense. The great thing about this article is that it has opened my eyes to see what other niches are out there that I haven't really noticed or considered!

Time management might just be one of my next websites, Thanks for the great information!
Cecille Loorluis 11 years ago
Hi Troy,

Glad to hear you liked the article, and that like me, you think there is potential in time management products too!

There are a whole lot more other niches out there that we will be looking into. Stay tuned!

All the best
Wajidi Zen 11 years ago
Great post Cecille!!

"In the case of the time management niche, though, it's more about going after what I am interested in and less about how much I can earn off it. There are more lucrative sub-niches in the self-help niche where I can earn more, but I am in it for the knowledge. It's just a bonus that I can make a bit of money while I improve my time management skills. If you have a similar mindset, then creating a site on time management won't be a waste of time for you, either."

I love this mindset! I'm also building and maintaining a website about self-confidence too, it's been more than 9 months, no sales just a few subscribers, but the most important thing I got lots of great things to learn and discover.

My self-confidence is growing, got some enlightenment, fully aware and being present and I feel certain to get what I deserve to achieve in life.

Thanks anyway and GBU
Larry F Lorgeree 11 years ago
As a newbie I would like to try one of these. Do you think this would be possible are is this area out of reach for a newbie?
Cecille Loorluis 11 years ago
Hi Larry,

You're welcome to give the time management niche a try. Although, the more lucrative sub-niches in the self-help niche might be a better fit for you. When you're a newbie, you want to see results. You want to earn. Your earnings will give you the motivation to keep going at it until you get on to your next site.

You might want to check out the dating/relationship niche or the save your marriage niche. These a popular niches with great products you can promote.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
hoang van tung 11 years ago
I love this mindset ,too ! I'm also building and maintaining a website about self-confidence too,, no sales just a few subscribers, but the most important thing I got lots of great things to learn and discover.
juegos 2
John Carter 11 years ago
Self-help is a great niche and one of the easiest to enter. Many niches-including internet marketing, are harder to sell to and involve having a lot of authority and experience to capitalize on. Self-Help often times only involves having personal experience. That's why it can be a great niche for beginners.
Kevin Clark 8 years ago
Great article Cecille. I am starting a website about time management and breaking up each of the successful tips by using personal applications. I found your article very helpful. Thank you very much. I hope to see and hear more.

Cecille Loorluis 8 years ago
Hi Kevin,

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed and learned from my post.

All the best to you and your website! Let us know how it turns out. :)

Have a great day!
Andy Wong 8 years ago
Hello Cecille!

How is your website regarding time management doing? I am also planning to make one and I would really appreciate it if you could give me some pointers on how to get started with it. Do you mind giving me the link to your website here? Thanks!
Cecille Loorluis 8 years ago
Hi Andy,

I did not push through with my time management website as another project came along that needed my attention.

If you wish to get into this niche, then you can get started by looking at products you can promote within the niche. There are products listed on the Niche of the Week article you can check out, then it's site building and link building from there.

Hope that helps. All the best!
Prince Onaolapo Adeyemi 7 years ago
Great article! Thanks for sharing.
Kudos for this article!
I think I can apply all these to the web design company I am currently working at.
Soula Kalesi 7 years ago
Great post but want to ask how months one newbie must working to gain first money on this niche? Thank you.
Thi Thu Hoa Cao 7 years ago
Thanks. It's a great post. Just what I needed to know ^^